And Action Connexia adopts the Google Marketing Platform. The Digital Media Area is also growing in 2021.
23 March 2021 – Connexia, a Google Premier Partner –...
And Action Florim chooses Connexia for digital communication and tech consultancy
8th of March 2021 — After meeting with several big...
And Action Cellularline Group selects Connexia as digital communication partner for the brands Cellularline e AQL
23 February 2021 – Cellularline, the Italian company that is...
And Action Connexia designs the Fastweb campaign #ConnectedagainstBullying
8 February 2021 - Networking to tackle and defeat cyberbullying...
And Action Acer Italia selects Connexia as a partner for its digital communication strategy
4 February 2021 – Following a consultation period involving multiple...
And Action Buondì Motta: “conspiracies” on air for the famous Italian ‘tasty and light’ brioche.
19 October 2020 - It is well known that Buondì...
And Action #TOGETHERFOROURCOUNTRY Medtronic, Methodos and Connexia celebrate the grandparents and grandmothers of Italy
2 October 2020 - A 60-second video dedicated to all...
And Action Connexia working alongside the Italian Committee for UNICEF on the “legacies” campaign
28 September 2020 – Connexia presents the new legacies campaign...
And Action The rebranding of buddybank – courtesy of Connexia
24 September 2020 – buddybank, the bank model from UniCredit...
And Action Mindwork chooses Connexia as a partner for its communications
21 September 2020 - Mindwork, Italy's premier company for online...
And Action “Jump on board with Bakeca.it!” A wild Antonio Razzi is the unexpected protagonist of the new Bakeca.it communication campaign by Connexia.
17 September 2020 - The famous dance performances of former...
And Action Faber chooses Connexia as a digital communication partner
18 June 2020 — After holding a contest, the Faber...