Connexia opens in Rome. Felice d’Endice is the new branch director.

18 March 2019 – Connexia, the marketing and communications consultancy agency that blends data and creativity with technology, is fulfilling its own growth strategy and opening a branch in Italy’s capital city.
After closing 2018 23% up on 2017, Connexia is branching out to make its data analysis, creativity and technology assets available to Rome’s businesses, associations and institutions to guide them through digital transformation and help them achieve their forecasted business results.
In keeping with its elegant yet quirky office spaces in Milan, Connexia has chosen the Copernico for its new Roman offices and ClubHouse Barberini, the business club featuring turnkey office space complemented by a lounge, meeting and event spaces, a café and restaurants.
To head up the Rome branch, Connexia’s management has appointed Felice d’Endice as the director. Felice worked at several agencies at the beginning of his career in communication before moving on to Comunicazione Italiana, where he stayed for ten years handling major executive projects, like the forums on sustainability, digital communication and human resources (Forum della Sostenibilità, Forum della Comunicazione Digitale, and Forum delle Risorse Umane) to name but a few. He has spent the past four years at EGA Worldwide Congresses & Events, as the Project Director of many special projects, such as Expo 2015 and the G7 Summit in May 2017.
“I’m thrilled to be joining the Connexia team and given this responsibility,” said Felice d’Endice, the Director of Connexia’s Rome branch. “This is an incredible opening for me to grow professionally, and also a fantastic opportunity and the best way for me to integrate all the communications activities and capitalise on all the experience I have gained over the years.”
“I firmly believe we can deliver real value to Rome’s businesses and institutions with our unique mix of data analysis, creativity and innovation and flair for accelerating our clients’ transformation processes that gives them higher standards of performance and competitiveness in the market,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “For this project to succeed, we needed someone with a broad-based profile who could manage all of Connexia’s assets and skills, and Felice fits the bill to a T.”