Connexia presents the first Impact report for common benefit

25 May 2021 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia publishes its first Impact Report for Common Benefit: in a document that describes a responsible and solidarity-based business model, the report outlines its sustainable development strategy and the most noteworthy initiatives implemented in 2020, as well as the common benefit objectives it intends to pursue in the near future. The distribution of value and its return to the community, attention to employees and professionals, as well as sensitivity to the environment and its impact, are the three core themes on which the entire Report is based. At the centre are people, the agency’s true asset.
After all, Connexia is committed on a daily basis to providing aid, by way of pro bono consultancy support and support in the form of tools and donations, to deserving and carefully selected non-profit organisations. And that’s not all. Its key objective is to promote the principles of sustainability within the communities in which it operates and in its relationships with partners, suppliers and customers. In addition, the controlling shareholder Marina Salamon and the entire management team are personally committed to building a shared work culture that encourages the personal development of its employees in an inclusive and highly stimulating work environment for every talent. With a single slogan: meritocracy.
Plus: attention to the environment. Every action, both inside and outside Connexia, is aimed at reducing, where possible, the negative impact on our planet and at promoting an environmental culture, to ensure that all the agency’s stakeholders do the same.
2020 was a year of great change for Connexia, which became a Benefit Company, thus formalising
a path of social responsibility and ethical commitment that has, over the years, become an integral part of the company’s DNA. Being a B Corp means voluntarily complying with the highest transparency and responsibility standards, giving the same weight to economic and financial goals as those related to social and environmental impacts, pulling off a radical paradigm shift from the traditional business modal focused solely on profit.
In order to respond to the tremendous difficulties faced by companies as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the agency has also designed and made available free of charge to the community a number of monitoring and analysis tools, such as the Map of Generosity, a data collection tool for tracking all donations made to non-profit organisations and emergency health structures, and technical tools such as licences for the use of the Cisco Webex platform, which are made available free of charge to any company requesting them, initially only for the red zones, and then for the whole country.
In addition, Connexia has organised and promoted events for the benefit of the community, in particular Wake Up Innovators | RESTART, a cycle of meetings on a digital platform that the agency has dedicated to the recovery following the Covid-19 crisis, aimed opening a direct dialogue with leading figures in Italian industry and together taking stock of business and strategies for reacting to the crisis and restarting; and Sharing is Caring, a format focused on the sharing of digital knowledge: a cycle of free weekly streaming meetings in which Connexia professionals put their experience and skills at the disposal of everyone – entrepreneurs, students, consultants, and competitors.
For 2021, the company’s primary focus remains the desire to make its expertise available pro bono, and at the service of non-profit organisations, by offering strategic, communication and marketing consultancy, together with technology and related training. It will also offer digital products and services for businesses, designed to better manage environmental and social sustainability issues and to launch an open call for innovation and social communication projects dedicated to non-profit organisations.
In addition, it will increasingly use local suppliers who comply with high and sustainable environmental standards. Another priority for the company remains that of donating a percentage of its profits to selected non-profit organisations, with a particular focus on children, animals and people living in poverty or who are homeless.
“In 2020, Connexia decided to become a Benefit Company, thus formalising a path of social responsibility and ethical commitment that has, over the years, become an integral part of the company’s DNA. Our first Impact Report provides a picture of what we have achieved so far and sets the course for future actions”, according to Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of Connexia – I am extremely proud of what we have achieved so far and even more proud of what awaits us in the coming years. When the agency was first established, I felt a responsibility to create a different company that would make people proud to be part of it, and our partners and stakeholders aware of our daily commitment, which goes far beyond providing the products and services required. Today, over 20 years later I am delighted to say that we are on the right track, but that the best is yet to come. The challenge for us is to continue to grow, committing ourselves every day to bring value to society through our actions and decisions, and raising the level of our standards ever higher, not only for our industry.
Two impact managers appointed by the Board of Directors, Nicoletta Vetere, People&Culture Manager, and Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director, were responsible for drafting the Report and following the entire process that has transformed Connexia into a Benefit Society. They did so with the invaluable help of the consultancy firm Sustainabilia.