Connexia tracks company donations for the Covid-19 emergency with a data app

25 March 2020 – SOLIDARITY. A “full” and precious word. There are no longer any solidarity initiatives in our country to support the Civil Protection, individual hospitals, health workers, and all those categories of workers and emergency responders who are fighting on the front line against Covid-19 every single day.
With its professionals, the communication agency Connexia has decided to make its own contribution by developing a data application to monitor all companies actively involved in the fight against the pandemic, mapping the cash and material donations made by individual companies and graphically representing them in the form of aggregated data.
This “generosity map” will give face and voice to the many companies that are contributing to the wave of solidarity, hour after hour. But that’s not all. It also represents an opportunity to launch an appeal to the civic community so that everyone can get involved, helping to signal new donations.
“As a company, and as citizens, we can’t just stand still – we don’t know how. This initiative is our way of contributing and giving back to the community, providing a cross-section of those who are donating in the business world. – commented Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO and Founding Partner of Connexia – The corporate purpose cannot and must not be reduced to mere statements: it must be consistent and tell a story of shared values. Companies’ strategies and actions have an impact on the communities in which they operate. At Connexia, our internal commitment to concrete action is very high, which is a source of real pride for us. All the actions that have taken us into the field in recent weeks – participation in the Digital Solidarity initiative by Minister for Innovation Paola Pisano, the two pro bono campaigns for as many fundraisers promoted by non-profit organisations that find themselves on the front line at the moment, the choice to gift knowledge to nurture and spread digital culture – come from below: our management has limited itself to sharing and ratifying them, but it is our people who are the tireless promoters of concrete actions to support the civic community”.
The initiative focusses on the world of businesses. The data app does not monitor the fundraising promoted by institutions, organisations, non-profit bodies, or private bodies.