Connexia working alongside the Italian Committee for UNICEF on the “legacies” campaign

28 September 2020 – Connexia presents the new legacies campaign by the Italian Committee for UNICEF, Italian representative of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, an auxiliary body of the UN with a mandate to protect and promote the rights of children and adolescents (0-18) throughout the world, and to contribute to improving their living conditions.
Legacies represent a fundamental source of funding for the Italian UNICEF committee and make a significant contribution to achieving major changes in the lives of many children. In specific terms, this type of giving increased by 5.9% in 2019 with respect to the previous year (Source: UNICEF)
The video brings together images taken during the course of various UNICEF missions in all the areas of the world where childhood is experiencing major challenges – from Syria to Somalia. The focus of the campaign is the concept of the “future”: to bequeath a legacy to UNICEF is in fact a way of enhancing your own sense of civic responsibility, continuing to do good “at a distance”, making a fundamental difference in the lives of many children by a single, apparently small gesture.
The Italian Committee for UNICEF’s new integrated campaign can be seen on TV from 18 August 2020, to be followed by an ongoing campaign on social and digital media. This campaign, conceived by Connexia (TV commercials; printed social and digital media campaign), is adding a new chapter to the story of dedication, hope and daily commitment, which UNICEF has been contributing to over many years, first and foremost in the fight against child poverty in the least fortunate areas of the planet.