“Sharing is Caring” The second Connexia instalment is dedicated to SEO.

9 April 2020 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia presents the second instalment of its Sharing is Caring programme, a cycle of free online meetings characterised by the sharing of digital knowledge.
A chance for Connexia professionals to share their own experience and skills, and discuss how to face emergencies and restarting by focussing on digital transformation.
Tuesday 14 April will be the turn of Giorgio Volpe, SEO Director at Connexia, with a webinar entitled: “The relationship between SEO and brand? A strategic pillar that is often underestimated”. This will be a chance to examine advice and good practices for better representing the contents of your site in search results, optimising the possibility of conveying qualified traffic and improving the perception of your brand.
Free live streaming event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.
Tuesday 14 April
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex