The Brand Factor Spotlighting creatives: OBE and Connexia showcase “lions & creativity”.

2 July 2019 – Connexia and OBE – Osservatorio Branded Entertainment, the association that studies and promotes the diffusion of branded content and entertainment as a strategic lever for integrated brand communication in the Italian market, are presenting “The Brand Factor” on 11 July, an evening that showcases the best branded content and entertainment projects from Cannes 2019.
The most relevant case histories will be introduced by four leaders from the creative world of the most important Milanese agencies, which will “take on each other” as they present the projects that they believe were the worthiest of the title of Entertainment Lion:
- Karim Bartoletti, Partner and Executive Producer, Indiana Production Company
- Riccardo Catagnano, Creative Director and Head of Branded Content, Connexia
- Alessandro Sciarpelletti, Creative Director, We Are Social
- Stefania Siani, Chief Creative Officer, DLV BBDO