Connexia is a Google Premier Partner 2023. Client portfolios and investment volume in the Media Area are on the increase.

2 March 2023 – Another award for Connexia, reconfirmed for the fifth time as a Premier Google Partner, the most prestigious and strategic certification that big tech can confer, and one reserved for only the top 3% of the world’s truly expert Google Ads agencies.

The in-depth technical knowledge of the platforms is complemented by the undeniable skill in media budget management of Connexia’s ever-growing team of professionals, skills confirmed by the double-digit growth in investments and the increase in client portfolio, including Best Western Hotels, Mondadori, Peuterey, Rovagnati.

To become a Premier Partner, being an expert in the use of the Google Ads tool is not sufficient. At least 50% of the staff on each Premier Partner’s team must be Google Skillshop-certified resources (at Connexia, it is 100%). They must also have in-depth mastery of all areas of the Google ecosystem, ensuring that the services provided are always in line with the highest quality standards.

With this in mind, from 2021, Connexia chose to boost its offering by adopting the Google Marketing Platform, to more effectively create, manage and grow high-impact digital campaigns. In a dynamic and constantly evolving environment, it has never before been so important to keep the various channels in constant dialogue, honing the ability to intercept new trends by integrating new technological solutions (e.g. YouTube Connected TV).

“As a Google Premiere Partner, we have the opportunity to use increasingly innovative solutions to develop digital advertising strategies aimed at maximising performance through the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies in real-time campaign management and optimisation,” comments Andrea Redaelli, Managing Partner Business Dev & Digital Media. “With the adoption of advanced technology and channel integration, it is Google’s technologies that ‘decide’ the best time and the most effective channel to showcase individual creativity, generating increasingly relevant and effective marketing actions. In this way, the team is focused on the highest expression of its talents in consulting and strategy, which is what our brands expect.”

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BWH Hotel Group Italia entrusts Connexia with the digital media

2 February 2023BWH Hotel Group Italia, a hotel group with 170 hotels throughout Italy, has chosen Connexia, the communication and marketing agency of Retex, to take care of its digital advertising activities.

Connexia will manage the digital marketing campaigns of the leading hotel business in Italy, with the objective of presiding over the entire funnel, both in the initial conception and in the more advanced stages of the conversion process.

The main focus is on performance, concentrated on qualified traffic and the generation of target users who then book through direct channels, such as the company website and the individual hotel websites. The objectives also include brand awareness and engagement.

Various activities and channels are covered, starting with always-on, including search campaigns on Google and Bing, retargeting, prospecting and affiliation. There is no shortage of display campaigns in programmatic, video strategy and audio and video streaming platforms such as Spotify and YouTube.

For BWH Hotel Group, the decision to collaborate with Connexia, the first of the big names in the industry to become a Benefit Company and the first to begin the process to obtain B-Corp certification in 2022, is part of the drive to forge partnerships with companies that are attentive and committed to ESG.

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Renata De Rosa ed Emiliano di Leno are appointed Deputy Creative Directors of Connexia

22 December 2022 – Connexia, the Marketing and Communication Agency of the Retex Group, announces the appointment of Renata De Rosa, Copywriter, and Emiliano di Leno, Art Director, both senior professionals within the creative department, to the role of Deputy Creative Director.

The agency’s management team, led by CEO Paolo d ‘Ammmassa, confirms its trust in the creative couple De Rosa/Di Leno, formalising a path of growth and professional maturation that began in 2017, when they joined Connexia’s creative team.

Active in the field of communications since 2009, first in Naples, then in Turin, finally in Milan, during her professional career Renata De Rosa, has specialised in creative writing and advertising and has collaborated in the implementation of numerous ATL and digital projects, especially for the Automotive and Finance sectors.

With over ten years of experience in graphics and a solid creative background behind him, Emiliano di Leno has participated in numerous projects and collaborations, firstly in IGPDecaux, then in Ambito5.

In Connexia, the creative partnership De Rosa/di Leno has been a close collaboration, creating and supervising campaigns for clients such as Fastweb, Decathlon, Buddybank and UNICEF.

“We are delighted to take on this new challenge – said Renata De Rosa and Emiliano di Leno.  “Together with the creative management team, we are already working to build a team of united and passionate creatives, which will also include and enhance young talents. We love creativity that experiments in new ways and, at Connexia, we have found the perfect environment to do so.”

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Biorepack Consortium’s ‘The Bioplastic Garden’ campaign on TV and radio with Connexia

28 November 2022 – Biorepack, the first European Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) consortium system dedicated to compostable bioplastic packaging, arrives for the first time on the small screen and radio with The Bioplastic Garden, a video and audio extension of the press campaign launched last summer. The project carries the signature of Connexia, the marketing and communication agency of the Retex Group, which handled the project’s strategy, creative concept and media planning.

The campaign, which started on 20 November, will be on-air until 10 December 2022, with a 15-second advert on the TV channels RAI, Mediaset, CairoRCS Media, SKY, Warner Bros Discovery, and a 30-second advert on the radio frequencies of the GEDI Editorial Group.

After the success of the multi-subject campaign launched last May in the main national and local newspapers, The Bioplastic Garden is also arriving on television to help all citizens understand materials, correct methods of use, delivery, and end-of-life management of compostable bioplastic packaging, and the link between correct collection and organic waste, understood as a resource for soil regeneration.

The campaign explores the contrast between the end of life of this type of packaging and the beginning of a new life for the Planet. It centralises the importance of the separate collection of compostable bioplastic packaging together with organic waste, and the subsequent composting process: in fact, if disposed of correctly and placed in the wet waste container, bioplastics, once treated, help to generate compost, a fertilising substance that encourages the soil to flourish.    Hence the creative idea of regenerated soil, from which a flowerbed in the shape of a compostable bioplastic bag is born.

“We are very pleased with the results achieved so far with the creative campaign entitled ”The Bioplastic Garden”: a wonderful example of teamwork was carried out in close collaboration with the Biorepack Consortium, a company with which we share values and a concern for issues and good practices related to environmental protection and sustainability – explains Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner for Strategy & Creativity at Connexia – The subject of the creative campaign (the shopping bag) is inspired by the simplicity of everyday life, with the precise intent of bringing citizens of all ages closer to the world of recycling in a natural and immediate way. We are convinced that the culture of proper waste collection, in particular that of organic waste, in which compostable bioplastic packaging is to be deposited, can be promoted first and foremost through correct and accessible information that focusses on people and their consumption habits.”

“The launch of the campaign is a source of enormous satisfaction for all of us – says Marco Versari, President of BiorepackOur Consortium is the first in the world to deal with the end-of-life management of compostable bioplastics. These materials are fundamental for facilitating the management of organic waste and improving the quality and quantity of compost produced in composting and anaerobic digestion plants. This initiative, the first of its kind, is an important part of a wide-ranging communication strategy, designed to go beyond the boundaries of the sector and directly address citizens and consumers. This is an unprecedented choice for the bioplastics sector and will serve to provide citizens with simple information and to enhance the value of a material that is a product of the circular bioeconomy, in which Italy is a world leader”. 

Riciclare è rigenerare

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The good, the trend and the brand. Values that make brands grow

24 November 2022 – Acclimators. Human. Metaphysical. These three maxi-trends are the main focus of “The Good, the Trend and The Brand”,  the first survey to highlight the correlation between core values and brands’ performance (including economic performance), based on research and analysis of the findings. Conducted by the study centre of  Connexia, the Retex Group’s marketing and communication agency, in collaboration with two exceptional partners, consulting companies TrendWatching and Brand Finance, the study is set to become a yearly project, focused on the importance of brands and their evolving meaning. They are no longer merely a logo, however distinctive a symbol it might be for both larger and smaller businesses: a brand is now the very essence of a business and its values. In short, what one might call a purpose        .

Mere rhetoric? Not at all! The merit of «The Good, the Trend and The Brand» is outlining the Italian people’s opinion on the investigated brands, in relation to the most important value trends at a precise moment in time. And to back this up with actual numbers. Because a brand is not a monolith. It evolves alongside the business itself and the society in which it operates. With one very important warning: the survey, which was carried out on a representative sample of the Italian population by age group (18+ GenZ, Millennials, GenX and Boomers), presents rather marked intergenerational differences. Some of them unexpected! One last clarification: the scrutinised brands were not selected at random. They are, in fact, the top 50 strongest and most valuable Made in Italy brands in our country, according to Brand Finance’s Italy 100 2022 ranking.

Ferrari über alles. Connexia’s general ranking of the most popular Made in Italy brands, in relation to the three macro-trends taken into consideration, is topped by Ferrari’s prancing horse. Also on the podium are two Ferrero brands: Kinder  and  Nutella. Lavazza follows in fourth position. Then it’s Ferrero again, with their Ferrero Rocher. Sixth in the brand ranking – but in fourth place if we consider only the companies- is Armani the unquestionable leader of the Fashion & Luxury sector. Barilla takes seventh position. It is followed by two supercar brands: Maserati and Lamborghini. For the large-scale retail sector, Coop places tenth in the overall ranking. Up next is Ray-Ban, Luxottica’s best-known brand, followed by two more top-notch representatives of Made in Italy fashion: Gucci and  Versace. The ranking closes with Pirelli, another iconic Italian brand, andSan Pellegrino, now owned by Nestlé.

But while the overall ranking is certainly interesting, it is even more so when analysed by macro-trend and age group. Want some examples? Among GenZ, Armani triumphs above all others, followed by Ferrari and Versace. Among Millennials, Kinder leads the race, followed by Coop and Ferrari. What about GenX and Boomers? In their case, gold and silver go respectively toFerrari and Lavazza. GenX award the bronze medal to Kinderand Boomers to Barilla.

“The insights revealed by our study centre’s first edition of “The Good, the Trend and The Brand” are numerous, some quite unexpected. – comments Massimiliano Trisolino, Connexia’s Managing Partner, Strategy & CreativityYou only have to browse the specially-curated whitepaper to see this. However, what I would like to emphasise right now is our desire to supply brands with a shared platform, capable of capturing the evolution of the values that have the greatest influence on our purchasing choices, year by year, thus providing a compass to guide even the most controversial and unlikely business choices. With one unshakeable certainty: in the long term, investing in intangible assets will bring an increasingly tangible value.”         

The massive survey carried out by Connexia brought to light several curiosities from a macro-trend perspective. Three examples were analysed, one for each trend:

  1. #acclimators – Over 80% of Italians across all age groups believe that individuals are the true protagonists of the sustainability revolution. For better or worse. That is to say: if we as individuals don’t take action, nothing will be done. This is true! Surprisingly, the second most common answer after “individuals” was “companies”. Not governments. Not even NGOs. But companies. Over 80% of Millennials and GenX believe companies have a fundamental importance as actors of change, almost level with individuals and their efforts towards building “a better world”.
  2. #human – Diversity & Inclusion are GenZ’s defining themes. 40% of people under 25 believe a brand’s ability to address these issues is a “very important” factor in choosing whether or not to buy from them. All other age clusters stop at 33%. There’s more. More than 2 out of 10 GenZ believe that the fact a brand decides to speak out openly, taking clear positions on often divisive political and/or social issues, should be rewarded. This is the famous brand activism that, unlike the situation in other, mostly Anglo-Saxon countries, in Italy is still in its infancy, but that, apparently, is hitting the mark, especially among young people. It is important to recognise this!
  3. #metaphysical– innovation is not enough. However you look at it, on a technological level, value for money is what matters. And this applies across all age groups, with significantly different penetration rates: 26 points of difference between GenZ and Boomers in favour of the latter, who are very attentive, apparently, to every single euro spent. But it must be said that for the youngest, too, the ability of individual brands to offer a rewarding and innovative shopping experience, both physical and digital, makes all the difference. That’s the claim made by 36 percent of those under 25 and 30 percent of those born between 1981 and 1996.

So, begone bland virtual stores and/or shopping carts. Imagination wins the day. With a hi-tech flavour.

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Altroconsumo with Connexia for FestivalFuturo 2022

3 November 2022 – Altroconsumo, the largest independent consumer organisation in Italy has entrusted the marketing and communication agency Connexia with the creative concept and communication management of the tenth edition of FestivalFuturo, the annual event discussing the ongoing transformations and evolution of our society.

Altroconsumo is an organisation that can count on the active participation of 318,000 members and an even greater number of sympathisers. Founded with the aim of protecting consumers through a scientific approach, independence and critical sense, based on its 50 years of experience, each year, the Association brings together experts, professionals and members of the general public to discuss issues such as current affairs, economic and cultural development, environmental sustainability, aware consumption, and digital citizenship, to name but a few.

Firmly reasserting the importance of a gathering packed with content, experiences and stories, for the 2022 edition Altroconsumo has chosen to rely on Connexia. The agency has devised a new concept and structured the event, renewing the way in which participants can enjoy it by merging the digital and physical worlds, with the help of the metaverse.

“We are very pleased about the cooperation with Altroconsumo”,  says Italo Marconi, Chief Innovation Officer of Connexia, “Working on the design of a concept that captures and conveys the essence of FestivalFuturo has allowed us to involve the various professionals who belong to the agency, from designers to our colleagues in the Innovation Team We imagined new ways of enjoying the event, which would extend and complete the participants’ physical experience, bringing a part of it into the metaverse”.

“We chose to partner with Connexia because the agency was able to best grasp what is, to all intents and purposes, an innovation challenge for us. In fact, the 2022 edition of FestivalFuturo is a unique experience for consumers, between the physical world and virtual reality, within the metaverse”,  declares Federico Cavallo, Head of External Relations at Altroconsumo. “The aim is to give citizens a new key to understanding our society, providing them with all the tools they need to understand the changes and translate them into their daily lives”.

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Connexia wins the Sustainability Business Prize at Il Sole 24 Ore in the category “Digital Sustainability”

27 October 2022 – Marketing and communication agency Connexia has won the first edition of the Sustainable Enterprise Award at Il Sole 24 Ore in the category Digitial Sustainability for all the innovations and technologies created to help improve the environment, the economy and society in general.

The award, designed with the collaboration of the Pontifical Academy for Life and open to all Italian SMEs, is designed to promote the many excellent businesses that make up Italy’s economic fabric and reward them for the best performance in terms of  resilience and environmental, digital and social sustainability. Among the over 300 applications received there were three winners for each category, all of whom made a difference in the extraordinarily unique context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The award ceremony, held in the evocative setting of the Augustinianum Congress Centre of the Holy See on the occasion of the “Sustainability Forum – The Future of Businesses between Innovation and Sustainability”, gathered together some of the most important Italian players in the industry and innovation sectors, as well as leading representatives of the Vatican City.

The Jury also consisted of highly important figures in Italy’s cultural and economic landscape:

  • Marina Brogi, Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome Faculty of Economics.
  • Edoardo Garrone, President of Gruppo 24 Ore.
  • Fabio Tamburini, Director of Il Sole 24 Ore.
  • Dario Edoardo Viganò, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Renzo Pegoraro, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
  • Giovanni Baroni, Presidente of Piccola Industria.
  • Massimo Tononi, President of Banco BPM.

Collecting the award on behalf of Connexia was Zornitza Kratchmarova, Sustainability & ESG Advisory Director, who is now heading the newest division of Retex Group’s agency dedicated to supporting customers and prospects along a path towards environmental, social and governance transformation, treasuring the company’s accumulated in-house experience.

“We are extremely pleased and honoured to receive this award. – says Paolo d’Ammassa, Founding Partner & CEO of ConnexiaThis is a unique testimony to our commitment to continue growing and doing well.

In 2020, right in the middle of the Covid pandemic, Connexia was the first company among the big names in its sector to become a Benefit Company, and in 2022 it began the process of obtaining the B-Corp certification, reserved for the best social and environmental performers at an international level. This year we also joined the United Nations Global Compact, whcih encourages companies to actively promote ethical conduct principles and responsible business practices. For us, this award is a mark of great confidence, which underlines the goodness behind what we do and encourages us to commit to do even more while always improving”. 

“Getting an award in the “Digital Sustainability” category in particular makes us especially proud and confirms what we have always wholeheartedly believed in: digital innovation enables positive development and paths to growth, with forward-looking approaches and views that add value to companies and to the social context within which they live and operate in. – remarks Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner Strategy & Creativity at ConnexiaThe pandemic placed a strain on Italy’s national economic strategy. For us, the recognition of our resilience and ability to respond to this major crisis by providing innovative solutions and technological platforms to the productive fabric and the community that can contribute to the change in a sustainable key is to us a source of great comfort and satisfaction when it comes to choosing a path of corporate social responsibility that is consistent with our values and activities”.

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COOP chooses Connexia as its strategic partner to innovate product communication

24 October 2022 – Coop, the distribution chain that today represents the largest group of consumer cooperatives in Italy, following a tender, chooses Connexia as its partner for PR Strategy and Lifestyle Communication activities, to support it during the innovation process, launched last May, of over 5,000 Coop branded products.

Over the next two years, in fact, Coop will be renewing 50% of its range, on the one hand covering new market segments, and on the other significantly expanding its existing ranges to meet the increasingly specific needs of members and consumers.

To support this renewal, the communication and marketing agency Connexia will work alongside Coop, supporting it through the strategic analysis of the various communication assets. It will also work in synergy with Coop’s PR and Media department to enhance Media Relations, Influencer Marketing and digital PR activities, placing the value of the company and its products at the centre.

“The choice of Connexia as Lifestyle Communication partner comes at a very important moment in time for Coop – declares Paolo Bonsignore, Director of Marketing and Head of Product Brand Coop ItaliaThe agency’s attention to data, its approach to strategic analysis and creative thinking are essential values for supporting the renewal project we have undertaken: it is an imposing challenge, in terms of both size and timing, that requires a an integrated, future-oriented approach to communication”. 

“We are very pleased to be able to work alongside a large-scale distribution company that is so strongly linked to the history, social fabric and consumption habits of Italians in its efforts to renew its product communication concepts – comments Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner and Strategy & Creativity at ConnexiaWe are very much aligned with Coop’s founding values: attention to people, the quality of products and services, environmental awareness and the culture of responsible and conscious consumption. These are all topics that we will jointly enhance and promote through Coop-branded products”.

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19 October 2022 –, one of Italy’s leading classifieds sites, has renewed its collaboration with the marketing and communications agency Connexia and is returning to communicate “in its own way”, in a fresh and fun manner. With the advert “The woman Who Worked Everywhere”, the company aims to promote one of the main services provided by the platform: the section dedicated to job advertisements.

In a lighthearted and irreverent manner, the new campaign conceived by Connexia for focuses on the inexhaustible versatility and self-irony of the popular influencer Taylor Mega, who undergoes a real role reversal. In a departure from her role as a paradigm of the fashion and luxury world, she finds herself the sudden but tenacious protagonist of a fun and fast-paced advert, in which she is called upon to perform the most diverse jobs.

Founded in 2005 as one of the first Italian start-ups, and then restructured over the years to become one of the reference points in the classifieds market, hosts thousands of searches of all kinds on a daily basis, from property to job offers and the sale of products and services. It represents a real “world”, a place of meetings and opportunities, where users can search for and find exactly what they are looking for – including a job.

“We have chosen to continue our collaboration with by devising a campaign that renews the fun and concise communication style that distinguishes the brand and reinforces the platform’s vocation as a meeting place between supply and demand,” explains Riccardo Catagnano, Executive Creative Director at Connexia. “ represents one of those – increasingly rare – cases of ‘enlightened clients’ with whom it is possible to build an important relationship of trust over time and experiment creatively while remaining faithful and consistent with the communication and business objectives of the brand.”

“After the successful experiences of the past few years, we are continuing our path of renewal at the communication level, based on creativity and innovation,” explains Stefano Pavignano, CEO of “ aims to be the platform for job ads for all Italians, a challenging and increasingly competitive goal. We wanted to interpret this challenge in an original and ironic way, telling the story of Bakeca and presenting all the job offers available.”

La donna che lavorava tutto

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BUONDÌ MOTTA is back in communication with a truly “FANTASTIC” breakfast!

17 October 2022 – The new Buondì Motta integrated communication campaign has launched! The undisputed protagonist? Obviously the iconic light and tasty breakfast! The campaign, realised by the agency Connexia together with the production company Mercurio and planned by PHD Media, harmonises perfectly with the brand’s irreverent and popular communications, which have been entertaining the Italian public for years. 

Breakfast-time is often described as idyllic and perfect, a special moment when families wake up and gather around the table, relaxed and full of energy.

Everything is wonderful…if only that were true! But now Buondì Motta has brought a touch of reality to this moment!

The new advert (in 15-second, 10-second, and 6-second versions) is set around the table of an ordinary family: all of a sudden, a fairy appears to turn this moment into something magical! She’s optimistic, lively, cheerful… What a shame that as soon as you wake up in the morning, the silence is golden and the spells that she wants to cast on Buondì Motta to turn it into a light and tasty breakfast don’t work at all. She is destined to fail and be swiftly eliminated by the family with very real methods (from the classic clapping of hands to the fly swatter)!

Because the real magic lies in Buondì Motta, the ultimate light and tasty breakfast…which is “fantastic” as it is. 

“Bill Bernbach wrote that ‘The magic is in the product’ and we, with the latest Buondì campaign, have taken him literally – comments Riccardo Catagnano, Executive Creative Director of Connexia – We have done so by disempowering a fairy who tries to transform an already-fantastic breakfast with magic. The result is liberating: a breakfast that has finally been purged of advertising superstructures and tells the story of the least magical moment of everyone’s day.”

“With this new communication campaign, and in perfect alignment with Buondì Motta, we wanted to subvert the rules of breakfast, with that playful tone that has always distinguished us – explains Roberto Bellinzona, Marketing Director of Bauli Group. And we did this by focussing on the qualities of Buondì Motta, which, since the 1950s, has been synonymous with snacks and breakfasts for adults and children, evolving yet remaining faithful to its own characteristics of indulgence and lightness.” 

The multi-subject communication will be aired on the main digital terrestrial and satellite networks, and will launch online through a programmatic campaign. The advertising campaign will also be amplified on social media, both on the brand’s channels and through the involvement of a group of influencers in a campaign led by Noesis Group.

And for an extra touch of magic, Motta has launched its brand new “FANTASTIC” competition.[1] From 27th September 2022 to 28th November 2022, by buying a pack of Buondì Motta (in the flavours Classic, Apricot, Cocoa, Cherry, Chocolate, Wholewheat, Cocoa and Cream) consumers can try to win one of 63 Apple iPHONE 13 128GB in real time – thanks to the Instant Win mode – and, if they’re not immediately lucky, they can try their luck again at the end of the competition, with the final draw.

Participating is very simple: just go to, register (or login, if already registered) and enter the unique game code inside the package in the relevant form.

[1] Full regulation:

Buondì Motta Chocolate

Buondì Motta Apricot

Buondì Motta Classic

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Connexia joins United Nations Global Compact and launches new dedicated Sustainability & ESG advisory division

4 October 2022 – Connexia, the marketing and communication agency of the Retex Group, has joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), an initiative launched by then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to promote a culture of corporate social responsibility on a global scale. The network, which brings together governments, businesses, UN agencies, trade unions and civil associations, includes more than 15,000 companies and more than 4,000 NGOs in 162 countries engaged in responsible business with the aim of developing, implementing, maintaining and disseminating sustainable practices and policies. Companies who adhere to the compact have become spokespeople for the 10 fundamental principles of the UNGC, which concern human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, and are committed to creating an economic framework and social and environmental objectives for promoting a healthy and sustainable world economy that ensures everyone has the chance to share in the benefits.

“Connexia was among the first major players in its industry to become a Benefit Company in 2020 and to obtain the B Corp certification in 2022, a classification reserved for the very best performers in social and environmental matters at an international level. says Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of ConnexiaThis is why we are honoured to join the United Nations Global Compact, a worldwide agreement that actively promotes ethical conduct and responsible business practices. This is a further milestone in terms of transparency which will encourage us to do even more to improve every day and convey a positive message to the whole market. Not only that,  this is an opportunity for us to announce the launch of a new division dedicated to 360° sustainability”.

Building upon the know-how gained from a process of continuous improvement undertaken in an extraordinary historical context, Connexia has decided to take a leap of faith. Objective: to guide customers and prospects along a path towards environmental, social and governance transformation that can better position them in an increasingly challenging global context.

Leading this division will be Zornitza Kratchmarova, a former impact manager of Connexia, along with People & Culture Manager Nicoletta Vetere, as required by Italian Benefit Company Law 208/2015, who assumes the role of Sustainability & ESG Advisory Director. A professional journalist active for over 15 years in Italy’s major publishing houses, where she worked on stories concerning current affairs, economics and finance, at Connexia Kratchmarova helped to launch the company’s Corporate Communication division in 2018. Now it is time for a new challenge. The dedicated sustainability unit will operate across all Connexia’s business areas and will work closely with other teams to ensure a complete and comprehensive range of offered services.  

“Values, commitment, attention: these are the keywords for this new market proposal. – says Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner Strategy & Creativity at ConnexiaIt is and will be a path that is constantly evolving and developing, one that we will share with all our stakeholders in order to make them aware of our long-term commitment to creating value that is shared by communities. We want to make the experience we have gained over the years when dealing with these issues available to our customers and the market: we are convinced that our approach, which is already conscious of all ESG principles, combined with all the disciplines represented within the agency, can help brands that truly want to make a difference”.

Connexia’s technical partner in this venture will be IPLUS, a consulting company with more than 10 years of experience in sustainability and one of the pioneers in this field, with whom the agency has been working closely since its certification as a Benefit Company in 2020.

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Riccardo Catagnano and Adriano Aricò named Executive Creative Directors of Connexia

29 September 2022 – Adriano Aricò and Riccardo Catagnano are the new Executive Creative Directors of Connexia, the marketing and communication agency for the Retex Group.

Both have a wealth of professional experience and both joined Connexia’s creative team in the same year, 2019.

Capitalising on the different experiences he has gained in the world of digital communication and advertising, his most recent position being with Ambito 5 (Saatchi&Saatchi), where he worked as a Creative Director in the development of creative campaigns for major Italian and international love brands, since beginning of his role at Connexia Adriano Aricò has continued the verticalisation of his career in the communication sector along a path that has led to his involvement in the agency’s main creative projects.

Starting out as a Copywriter, Riccardo Catagnano specialises in the television industru as a multi-faceted author, with credits ranging from musical programming (All Music TV’s “All Music Show”) to Italian television classic’s such as Italia Uno’s football comedy show “Mai dire Gol”, where his writing helped to contribute to the material of comedian Maccio Capatonda. From there he transitioned to the corporate world, where he was still able to write creatively, rising to the role of Deputy Creative Director at Saatchi&Saatchi by 2019. In that same year he moved to Connexia, where Catagnano has brought with him a wide range of personal experiences in the production of creative campaigns that have been able to stimulate audiences and which are remembered for their originality.

“I warmly welcome this appointment: at a time of intense change in our industry, Connexia is constantly reinventing itself by welcoming new young and imaginign creative paths that connect the dots between strategy, technology and innovation”, remarks Riccardo Catagnano.

“The Connexia of the future will be a cultural melting pot consisting of the different souls and personalities that make up the agency, a diversity that is part of our DNA and our mission statement: “inspire and be inspired” to stimulate cultural evaluation, anticipate new trends and create new languages of communication”, says Adriano Aricò.

In this new role Adriano and Riccardo will report directly to Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner of Connexia and coordinator of all strategic-creative areas.

“The appointment of Adriano and Riccardo comes at a pivotal and foundational moment in the growth of Connexia’s creativity, one which is highly desired and shared across the whole of the company. – says Massimiliano TrisolinoConnexia is a company where the integration of skills and the enhancement of talent have always been central tenets. I am certain that Adriano and Riccardo will guide and inspire the whole agency and our customers to take on increasingly exciting and valuable content using the passion and excellence that makes them stand out”.

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CONAI presents “Renaissance for the environment”, the new awareness campaign for recycling. By Connexia

Guiding us in this virtual art gallery  is Nicolas Ballario, a journalist and curator of contemporary art who, in seven episodes of branded content, reveals the parallel between Renaissance art and recycling:  “The human being at the centre of the world. This is the Renaissance. And this is exactly what Renaissance for the Environment is about: the importance of human beings in relation to the environment we live in and which we have a duty to protect”.

The virtual art gallery, which can now be visited on the Consortium’s Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels and on the website, has also become a physical exhibition: the preview seen at the  Rimini Meeting 2022  will be available between the end of 2022 and the beginning of the new year.

“We are very satisfied with our solid collaboration with CONAI and with the concept behind the ” Renaissance for the environment “ project, says Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner Strategy & Creativity of Connexia.   The campaign highlights values to which we are particularly attached: first and foremost the importance of protecting the environment. We are convinced that using different forms of expression in a very striking manner involving the world of art can be an effective way to promote a new vision of waste, enhancing its intrinsic value and potential contribution to reducing the impact of mankind on the planet. It is a creative experiment that we are passionate about and that we hope will involve and sensitize as wide an audience as possible “.

“A new way of paying homage to the seven packaging materials – steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, bioplastic and glass – through the language of art”, says  Luca Ruini, CONAI President. “It is increasingly important to consider this type of waste as a resource produced by our cities – it is a real ‘metropolitan mine'”. These 14 shots remind us of this. Through “Renaissance for the environment” packaging becomes a precious material that can be transformed and given new life. And we Italians, who live in the country that was the cradle of the Renaissance, are aware of this: Italy ranks first among major European countries for per capita recycling of packaging “.

"Renaissance for the environment" campaign

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