WALCE chooses Connexia for its 2021 lung cancer prevention awareness campaign

2 September 2021 – Connexia announces its collaboration with the NPO WALCE  for the new lung cancer awareness and information campaign.

Founded in 2006 in Turin, WALCE (Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe) is a non-profit association that operates throughout Europe. It has long been involved in raising awareness about the incidence and mortality of lung cancer, the second most common form of cancer in the world and the one with the highest death rate, and in support programmes for patients and their families.

The partnership will result in a digital and social communication campaign that is intended to reach as wide an audience as possible with a dual objective: to raise awareness about risk factors, signs and symptoms linked with lung cancer, and to provide people with correct informationabout this disease, helping to eliminate the stigma that surrounds it and afflicts those affected by it, at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has made patient management even more complex, intensifying their fears and feeling of abandonment.

The campaign has been developed under the creative direction of Clio Zippel by the agency’s Connexia Health division, headed by Director Claudia Comolli, and will be online from 3 to 30 November 2021, the month traditionally dedicated to raising lung cancer awareness worldwide.

Thanks to the progress made in recent years in the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease, there are now promising new treatment options that allow even those patients for whom surgery is not an option to enjoy a good and prolonged quality of life.

“We are particularly excited about the new collaborative venture and the opportunity to work alongside WALCE on the lung cancer awareness and information campaign” says Claudia Comolli, Director of Connexia Health “By pooling the specific skills of a team dedicated to healthcare communication and Connexia’s innate ability to generate innovation and digital transformation, we hope to make a significant contribution to the 2021 Walce campaign, by correctly informing the widest possible audience and helping to improve the path of lung cancer patients”.

“We are delighted to enter into this kind of partnership with Connexia” explains Professor Silvia Novello, President of WALCE : “This year, in fact, if possible, even greater importance should be attached to the traditional awareness campaign launched by our Association than in the past. This is not only because the data indicate that this serious disease is becoming increasingly common, and not necessarily among smokers alone, but also because, with the right information and early diagnosis, we can now help to significantly reduce the impact of this disease and, at the same time, instil confidence and closeness to those affected.

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With the new campaign from CONAI and Biorepack, separate waste collection is foolproof! Connexia signs the campaign.

29 July 2021 – CONAI, the National Packaging Consortium, and Biorepack, the CONAI system consortium that guarantees the collection, recovery and organic recycling of biodegradable and compostable plastic packaging waste, have chosen to rely on Connexia to make users aware of the correct way to separate bioplastics for waste collection.

Confusion and uncertainty can lead to accidental errors in the correct collection of separated materials. For this reason, CONAI and Biorepack have chosen to launch a specific communication campaign to help people recognise which bioplastic packaging can be composted along with wet organic municipal waste, and to explain how to use and separate it correctly.

The campaign, designed with the creative direction of Anna Vasta and Adriano Aricò, and the client direction of Francesco M. Ferrario, has been developed in two distinct communication flights: in the first one, “Beyond appearances”, which launched on Biorepack’s social channels in mid-May and, later, on CONAI’s channels, users are invited to pay particular attention when handing in their waste to avoid confusing plastics and bioplastics, as these materials are very similar in appearance.

In reality, it’s not that difficult to sort bioplastics correctly: you just need to look beyond appearances. The protagonists of the two hero videos are two emblematic individuals, who demonstrate that things (and people!) are not always what they seem: a large, tattooed man turns out to be an unexpected and sensitive lover of Chihuahuas, while a delicate little girl turns out to be a determined black belt karate champion.

From August 2021, the second flight of the campaign, “Sacchettino Bio” (“Organic Bag”), will be online and on air, appearing on Biorepack’s social media channels as well as those of CONAI, before also appearing on the radio with a nod to the well-known musical catchphrase “Pulcino Pio”. The bioplastic bag is at the centre of the creative concept: by law, these bags are widespread in all food shops and large distribution centres, and must not be mistakenly disposed of as plastics. To avoid errors, the advert reminds us all of the essential differences, in the form of a mantra: “plastic in plastic, bioplastic in wet waste”.

“Packaging made from compostable bioplastic entered Italian homes some years ago and is an important part of a lifestyle inspired by sustainability and the circular economy, thanks to the recovery of the organic content of the waste and its transformation into nutrients for the soil,” explains Marco Versari, President of Biorepack. “We expect that this campaign will promote even more widespread awareness of how to correctly recycle bio-resources, ensuring that separate waste collection is effective.”

“When Biorepack took its first steps within the CONAI system last December, we immediately realised how important it was to raise awareness of the correct end-of-life procedure for bioplastics: the collection of wet waste,” explains Luca Ruini, President of CONAI. “This is an important topic for environmental education: that’s why we decided to start immediately with the two flights of the campaign. We are curious and can’t wait to see the results.”

Ours is a deliberately different narrative, which allowed us to convey an essential message: sorting waste is essential, but it’s even more important to do it correctly,” comments Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner for Strategy & Creativity at Connexia. “Here at Connexia we are very aware of environmental issues. In 2020 we become a Benefit Corporation. For this reason, we are proud that we are able to support Biorepack and CONAI in spreading these messages. Our collaboration with CONAI has been ongoing for some time, and this campaign represents a new form of creative trust in Connexia.”


Link to the “Beyond appearances” campaign:

Tattooed man: Youtube

Young female karateka: Youtube

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Pierre Fabre reaffirms the partnership with Connexia for search marketing and digital properties management.

28 July 2021 – The partnership between Pierre Fabre Italia S.p.A. with Sole Shareholder, a leading French multinational in the pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic sector, and the independent agency Connexia has been reaffirmed. Since 2018, the company has relied on the marketing and communications agency for SEO optimisation and to maintain the web properties of the Eau Thermale Avène, Klorane, A-Derma, Ducray and René Furterer brands.

Connexia manages a variety of activities to effectively analyse, consolidate and protect the brands’ presence on major search engines, thanks also to the proprietary tool Connexia SEO Defender. From content and tech optimisation to continuous performance monitoring, from web maintenance to dedicated reporting, it is used to snapshot the brands’ visibility in each semantic area of interest.

Connexia is also entrusted with all design, conception and development activities of digital touchpoints for online/offline initiatives, from the development of specific landing pages to support new product launch campaigns, to the conception and creation of the in-store promotion system or the maintenance of buy buttons, the shortcut buttons used to purchase products on e-reseller sites.

“We are delighted that the partnership between Connexia and Pierre Fabre Italia has been reaffirmed” explains Andrea Redaelli, Managing Partner of Connexia’s Digital Media Area. “This is a new, welcome certificate of excellence, and recognises the quality of our work. From the start of the partnership in 2018, our work has so far clearly produced tangible and significant results for the company and its brands. Connexia is confirmed as a special partner in online properties management and managing brands’ SEO activities, thanks to its multidisciplinary teams which can respond to customer needs by incorporating all the market innovations of a constantly and rapidly changing world, such as that of digital marketing”.

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First G20 event in the hands of Next Group, Connexia and Tecnomeeting

24 June 2021 – The first major event in the year of the G20 in Italy was overseen by RTI Next S.p.A. – Connexia Società Benefit S.r.l. – Tecnomeeting S.r.l., with Next Group as lead partner and Connexia and Tecnomeeting as principals.

The large-scale institutional events sector has restarted in Italy with an absolute first: the Education and Labour Ministerial Meetings, held on 22 and 23 June, with a back-to-back format and a joint segment in the setting of Catania’s Benedictine Monastery.

As the second stage of a process that will culminate on 30 and 31 October in Rome at the G20 Summit under the Italian Presidency, the Education and Labour Ministerial Meetings in Catania hosted over 35 delegations, including participating countries and international organisations, for a hybrid event format, with representatives in attendance and connections via VTC.

RTI Next – Connexia – Tecnomeeting played a strategic role in the coordination of turnkey organisation services for the event. This prestigious assignment was awarded at the end of an open tender that saw the participation of the major Italian companies and a large group of international players.

In order to provide effective assistance to the G20 Delegation, responding in an integrated manner to all the management, logistical and technical requirements of these highly complex institutional events, the three companies – all of which are specialists in their respective sectors and boast extensive international experience – established a professional collaboration system covering several areas of intervention and different activities. These ranged from the creative project to its implementation; from organisational support for individual ministerial meetings (with a highly flexible operating model, capable of responding “just in time”) to the management of the technical and organisational secretariat of the first institutional G20 event; from hospitality for the various delegations to the management of the Media & Broadcasting Centre in Catania; as well as the design and implementation of the mobility plan for the participating delegations, paying particular attention to the transversal themes of health and sustainability in each area of service.

“In addition to being selected to support the organisation of this important stage of the Italian G20 Presidency, what has given us the greatest satisfaction is the fact that we proposed a creative project that stemmed from the theme of collaboration and, as it developed, managed to celebrate both the cultural elements of the host country as well as the identities of the individual Participants,” explains Marco Jannarelli, President of Next Group.

This creative concept was also reflected in the preparation of the prestigious location and the involvement of local artisans, who created decorations inspired by the flags of all the countries present.

The RTI was also entrusted with the design and implementation of the wired/wi-fi network infrastructure, as well as making a vital contribution to the management of system connectivity and cybersecurity, in a context in which the network and security infrastructure played a key role.

“It is an honour to have been chosen to organise the Education and Labour Ministerial Meetings under the Italian G20 Presidency,” comments Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of Connexia. “We believe that the team of professionals put together by Connexia and its partners for this occasion will be able to respond effectively to the organisational needs of such high-level international meetings, while remaining faithful to the agency’s values of innovation and sustainability.” 

“We are extremely proud to be part of the team of professionals selected to accompany the work of the Education and Labour Ministerial Meetings under the Italian G20 Presidency,” concludes Giuseppe Trudu, Sole Director of Tecnomeeting. “As a company, we are used to operating with a particular focus on quality control and safety at work. The topics under consideration in this two-day event strikingly reflect our own value system and we are pleased to be able to offer our professional contribution for the success of three institutional moments that are so relevant.”

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FIMER chooses Connexia as its strategic communication partner in the “new era” of sustainable energy

7 June 2021 – FIMER, Italy’s leading manufacturer of photovoltaic inverters, the fourth largest in the world, and a key player in the production of charging solutions for the e-mobility sector, has chosen the independent marketing and communications agency Connexia as its strategic communications partner for its B2B market.

Founded in 1942 and based at its zero-impact headquarters in Vimercate (MB), FIMER today has a direct presence in over 20 countries and a geographical presence in 100 countries on 5 continents, employing more than 1,100 professionals in total. Thanks to a broad portfolio of solutions for the photovoltaic market and for recharging electric vehicles, FIMER is now a leading company in the businesses of the future.

Under the Client Direction of Mattia Airoldi and the Creative Direction of Clio Zippel, and with the constant support of Connexia’s Innovation team led by Chief Innovation Officer Italo Marconi, the agency’s multidisciplinary team of professionals, boasting extensive expertise in different areas, will work alongside FIMER with a complete circular approach, supporting the definition of the communication strategy with a focus on innovation, digital presence, and PR dedicated to the Italian market, from both a trade and corporate perspective.

This is a form of strategic consultancy that will result in integrated corporate and brand communication, designed to effectively reach the different target audiences of the competitive, high-potential B2B sector in which FIMER operates.

In concrete terms, Connexia will be tasked with guiding all of the company’s PR & Media Relations activities in Italy, as well as implementing a number of ad hoc projects on a global scale, which will be divided into special projects.

Within the context of the partnership, Connexia will also be providing support in the conception and production of FIMER’s creative assets, including the product videos already produced in the recharging solutions segment dedicated to electric mobility (the entire FIMER EVI 2021 range and FIMER Flexa Wallbox AC), a sector in which FIMER has decided to debut with its own brand.

“We are delighted to be launching a new collaboration with a partner like FIMER, a quintessentially Italian company with an international vision, capable of integrating sustainability and innovation into its business model, and fully embracing our nature as a non-profit company,” explains Stefano Ardito, Chief Growth Officer at Connexia. “In a context in which renewable energy is one of the solutions that will help to curb climate change and revolutionise the concept of mobility, we are thrilled to be able to strategically support FIMER’s objectives by promoting the company’s story as well as its products and its vision, and guaranteeing a full-service approach thanks to a blend of creativity, innovation, data, technology, digital marketing and corporate communication vis-à-vis journalists and stakeholders.”

FIMER‘s aim is to guide energy through an increasingly sustainable transition with innovative technological solutions,” explains Roberto Basile, Chief Marketing Officer at FIMER. “To do this, we need to build a network of partners who, like us, have innovation and sustainability in their DNA. We are convinced that selecting a dynamic company like Connexia as our communications partner in Italy will allow us to communicate the vision and values that are at the heart of FIMER’s growth strategy and daily actions in the best possible way.”

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The first edition of the IULM Master in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication is launched

4 June 2021 – The new partnership is about to get underway between the independent marketing and communication agency, Connexia and IULM, the University Institute for Modern Languages, who have joined forces for the first edition of the Master in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication.

Innovation and sustainability form the core of the first specialised Italian Master’s programme, one of the few in Europe, wholly dedicated to marketing and communication techniques applied in various areas of sustainability, which is due to kick off in November this year on a digital platform.

The course is open to recent graduates and professionals in the humanistic and scientific disciplines who wish to pursue a highly qualifying course of study. IULM’s Master’s in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication aims to contribute to the development of specific skills in the field of sustainability communication and CSR, which is of growing importance in the contemporary trend towards more more effective dialogue and debate, and is increasingly in demand from institutions and businesses.

This training course will include talks, project work, and study tours held by academics, professionals, and company managers with experience in a variety of industries, using differentiated modules that are designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge they need to approach the job market proactively and successfully.

The basics of the circular economy and current regulations, the use of dedicated measurement tools, such as green analytics, the study of best cases and best practices, the role of purpose and impact, inclusive design, the eco-design of products and services, and social innovation will all be covered in a holistic course of study devised by Connexia in partnership with IULM for the Master in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication. Together with the members of the Faculty, the various professionals within the marketing and communication agency will be engaged in bringing concrete examples and specialist contributions on expertise in innovation, strategic analysis, creative communication, design and corporate communication. The essence and distinctive feature of Connexia, therefore, with its multidisciplinary approach, innovation and culture of talent.

“We are truly proud to add such an up-to-date and innovative training programme to complement the solid collaboration we already have with an institution like IULM that is a benchmark for the world of communication”, says Italo Marconi, Chief Innovation Officer at Connexia and Educational Coordinator of the Master programme.

– The Sustainability Transformation of organisations is gaining as much relevance as the better known Digital Transformation. Businesses are showing a growing need for new hybrid professionals who can deal with and communicate these issues. The innovation platform we have developed – the only one of its kind in Italy –  aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and practices between academia and businesses, as well as between businesses themselves”.

“The Specialised Master in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication is an unprecedented event on the national academic scene. As Professor Francesco Massara, Scientific Director of the Master course explains, “This is an extraordinary and  innovative and professional course of study that caters for the needs of companies, the world of communication and, last but not least, society. The programme was developed with the fundamental contribution of Connexia and coordinated by Italo Marconi. It owes its uniqueness to the fact that it brings together marketing and communication skills with the economic, social, technological, environmental and sustainability fields. For students, it will be a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and gain personal enrichment and to receive new stimuli, explore a wide range of sectors, and interact with highly experienced professionals, tackling concrete issues and dynamics that are increasingly necessary to successfully communicate in today’s world”.

For the new Master in Ethical Marketing and Sustainability Communication at IULM, Clio Zippel, Branding & Creative Director of Connexia, has designed a richly colourful visual identity: the logo and the corporate image are inspired by the colours of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations and by the concept of sustainability as an open platform that can bring together an extraordinary diversity of designers and professionals, where every action and conversation has an impact on the collective interest of communities.

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Grandi Navi Veloci reconfirms its trust in Connexia for SEO, Data and Media

3 June 2021 – GNV, Grandi Navi Veloci, the shipping company of the MSC Group, renews its trust and collaboration with the independent marketing and communication agency Connexia for SEO, Data and Media activities.

The partnership between Connexia and the Genoa-based shipping company, which operates in 7 countries with 26 maritime routes, has been firmly established since 2018, the year that marked the 25th anniversary of GNV’s activities in the Mediterranean.

The collaboration for SEO and Data activities between GNV and Ragooo – an agency specialising in digital marketing – was further strengthened in 2019 when Ragooo merged with Connexia, extending its consultancy services to include Media activities.

This reconfirmation means that the ferry company can now rely on a multidisciplinary team capable of combining monitoring, analysis and strategy using different channels and tools, from search technology to social media, from programming to affiliation.

Alongside the in-scope activities that are aimed at ensuring the correct indexing of the main property through the development of technical and content elements, numerous interventions are carried out to refine and optimise the online content, in addition to some editorial contents dedicated to the “Vie del Mare” blog.

Connexia has also been entrusted with the maintenance of the existing tracking platform, the governance of the Tag Management Platform and the monitoring of the property with SEO Defender, its proprietary suite that can monitor the health of multiple KPIs 24/7. The existing interventions will be complemented by Data Visualisation activities aimed at building dynamic dashboards and periodic reports for the various stakeholders.

The planned operations in the Media area are also of great significance and impact, and aim to increase the revenues of GNV’s e-commerce platform through a full-funnel approach and by making the most of the potential of the Google Marketing Platform, the most recent addition by Connexia, which is already a Google Premiere Partner, to its range of Media services.

As Andrea Redaelli, Managing Director Digital Media at Connexia comments: “We are delighted to be able to continue our collaboration with a group like GNV: it is an acknowledgement of trust that certifies the important work we have undertaken together thus far and that we will continue to pursue, offering maximum support for all the activities planned. “Thanks to our skills and to tools such as Google Marketing Platform, we are able to effectively support GNV in the great challenges of the current historical moment and those of the near future, keeping a constant eye on developments in the digital world, in order to intercept, interpret and make the most of them”.

There is also great satisfaction from GNV: for a sector such as the ferry sector, which has certainly been affected by the pandemic in no small way, it is essential to continue to focus on an effective and efficient online presence in order to be able to intercept the “new normal” that will emerge in the coming months.

To achieve these goals, GNV has chosen to continue its collaboration with a dynamic and data-driven company like Connexia.

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“Give Blood and Keep the World Beating.” Connexia adds its signature to a global campaign for World Blood Donor Day 2021, promoted by the World Health Organisation

26 May 2021 – “Give Blood and Keep the World Beating” is the motto of the 2021 World Blood Donor Day and the title of the creative campaign created by the independent marketing and communications agency Connexia to support this day dedicated to blood donors all over the world, which was established in 2005 by the World Health Organisation.

The host of this year’s WBDD is Italy. The day will feature a series of special initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Blood Centre (CSN) and donor associations, culminating in a global event that will be held in Rome on 14 and 15 June: the inauguration of the Virtual donor village, a digital space for meetings, scientific symposia and information stands to raise awareness and provide information on the importance of voluntary donation. The event on 14 June will conclude on the stage of the Auditorium in Rome with a concert by French-Indonesian singer Anggun and other special guests.

The only Italian agency to be a partner of GLOBALHealthPR (GHPR), the world’s largest network of independent agencies specialising in scientific and pharmaceutical communication, Connexia is also the sole point of reference for all phases of the creative project, starting with the conception of “Give Blood and Keep the World Beating”, the motto adopted by the WHO at a global level. The motto plays on the word “beating”, linking heartbeats and sound rhythms and speaking the international and intergenerational language of music.

2021’s WBDD focusses in particular on young people and the essential contribution that the 18-25 generation can make by saving and improving the lives of their neighbours with their donations and allowing the heart of the world to continue beating.

In addition to devising the abovementioned motto, Connexia created the concept for the integrated campaign and worked on the definition of the communication strategy and subsequent deployment of all assets at a global level.

Give Blood and Keep the World Beating” is the motto of the TV and digital campaign, which features a 30” film by Connexia that uses animation to depict the extraordinary journey of a bag of blood – from the donor to the patient receiving it. The act of donating triggers a rhythm and a visual narrative that comes to life through the drawings of international illustrator Margherita Premuroso.

The WBDD campaign film, on air in 30” format on all RAI channels, will have a 40” digital version that will be released on the official channels of the WHO, Ministry of Health, Istituto Superiore della Sanità, CNS and Italian donor associations (CIVIS).

“For me, donating blood is an extraordinary act that helps the health service to function effectively every day, ensuring that it is fit for purpose,” explains Minister for Health Roberto Speranza in a video-message focussing on health. “Italy is striving to invest with all its energy, but we need more and more people to do their part: we need women and men who are prepared to devote a little of their time and give a little of their blood to a cause that is just and important.”

We will work hard to organise our networks as best we can, but we clearly need the consent and support of many other people. I would like to thank everyone who has decided to donate blood, because it is a compassionate and wonderful act that really helps our National Health Service to function. And I also want to express my gratitude to all those who will be working hard over the next two days and weeks to ensure that this event will once again send out a positive message of revival and strength to our National Health Service”.

“We can only be proud of this collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the Ministry of Health, the National Blood Centre and donor associations for World Blood Donor Day 2021,” commented Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of Connexia. “The campaign that we have created for the occasion, and which will be presented on television networks and social media, aims to reach a worldwide audience made up primarily of young people, whose donations are increasingly crucial but experiencing a steady decline. In order to convey such an essential and vital message in a language that speaks to young people, we chose a direct creative approach, combining the simplicity of drawings with the rhythm of music.”

“Never before has the importance of communication in promoting basic health practices – from proper hand washing to the usefulness of vaccinations – been more apparent than during the pandemic. Effective communication can make a difference and save lives, as it did during the months of the Covid-19 emergency. The video made for World Blood Donor Day is a perfect example of how to make difficult messages – which can struggle to ‘hit home’ and raise awareness among certain categories of people – more engaging,” explains Vincenzo De Angelis, CNS Director. “The campaign is truly ‘global’: it is aimed at citizens of all countries and all ages, and the video – like the other materials produced – has managed to strike a universal key that we hope will bring the world of donation closer to those who are not normally interested in this type of message, such as young people.”

“I am delighted to see young people at the centre of World Blood Donor Day this year,” comments Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Our young people have suffered in particular during this pandemic, but they have also shown extraordinary resilience and adaptability. Many of the world’s blood donors are young and it is time for their vital contribution to health and to the community at large to be recognised: by donating blood, young people can save lives. So we would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to all the young blood donors of today and tomorrow. Give Blood, Keep the World Beating!”

World Blood Donor Day 2021

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Connexia presents the first Impact report for common benefit

25 May 2021 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia publishes its first Impact Report for Common Benefit: in a document that describes a responsible and solidarity-based business model, the report outlines its sustainable development strategy and the most noteworthy initiatives implemented in 2020, as well as the common benefit objectives it intends to pursue in the near future. The distribution of value and its return to the community, attention to employees and professionals, as well as sensitivity to the environment and its impact, are the three core themes on which the entire Report is based. At the centre are people, the agency’s true asset.

After all, Connexia is committed on a daily basis to providing aid, by way of pro bono consultancy support and support in the form of tools and donations, to deserving and carefully selected non-profit organisations. And that’s not all. Its key objective is to promote the principles of sustainability within the communities in which it operates and in its relationships with partners, suppliers and customers. In addition, the controlling shareholder Marina Salamon and the entire management team are personally committed to building a shared work culture that encourages the personal development of its employees in an inclusive and highly stimulating work environment for every talent. With a single slogan: meritocracy.

Plus: attention to the environment. Every action, both inside and outside Connexia, is aimed at reducing, where possible, the negative impact on our planet and at promoting an environmental culture, to ensure that all the agency’s stakeholders do the same.

2020 was a year of great change for Connexia, which became a Benefit Company, thus formalising
a path of social responsibility and ethical commitment that has, over the years, become an integral part of the company’s DNA. Being a B Corp means voluntarily complying with the highest transparency and responsibility standards, giving the same weight to economic and financial goals as those related to social and environmental impacts, pulling off a radical paradigm shift from the traditional business modal focused solely on profit.

In order to respond to the tremendous difficulties faced by companies as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the agency has also designed and made available free of charge to the community a number of monitoring and analysis tools, such as the Map of Generosity, a data collection tool for tracking all donations made to non-profit organisations and emergency health structures, and technical tools such as licences for the use of the Cisco Webex platform, which are made available free of charge to any company requesting them, initially only for the red zones, and then for the whole country.

In addition, Connexia has organised and promoted events for the benefit of the community, in particular Wake Up Innovators | RESTART, a cycle of meetings on a digital platform that the agency has dedicated to the recovery following the Covid-19 crisis, aimed opening a direct dialogue with leading figures in Italian industry and together taking stock of business and strategies for reacting to the crisis and restarting; and Sharing is Caring, a format focused on the sharing of digital knowledge: a cycle of free weekly streaming meetings in which Connexia professionals put their experience and skills at the disposal of everyone – entrepreneurs, students, consultants, and competitors.

For 2021, the company’s primary focus remains the desire to make its expertise available pro bono, and at the service of non-profit organisations, by offering strategic, communication and marketing consultancy, together with technology and related training. It will also offer digital products and services for businesses, designed to better manage environmental and social sustainability issues and to launch an open call for innovation and social communication projects dedicated to non-profit organisations.
In addition, it will increasingly use local suppliers who comply with high and sustainable environmental standards.   Another priority for the company remains that of donating a percentage of its profits to selected non-profit organisations, with a particular focus on children, animals and people living in poverty or who are homeless.

In 2020, Connexia decided to become a Benefit Company, thus formalising a path of social responsibility and ethical commitment that has, over the years, become an integral part of the company’s DNA. Our first Impact Report provides a picture of what we have achieved so far and sets the course for future actions”, according to Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of Connexia – I am extremely proud of what we have achieved so far and even more proud of what awaits us in the coming years. When the agency was first established, I felt a responsibility to create a different company that would make people proud to be part of it, and our partners and stakeholders aware of our daily commitment, which goes far beyond providing the products and services required. Today, over 20 years later I am delighted to say that we are on the right track, but that the best is yet to come. The challenge for us is to continue to grow, committing ourselves every day to bring value to society through our actions and decisions, and raising the level of our standards ever higher, not only for our industry.

Two impact managers appointed by the Board of Directors, Nicoletta Vetere, People&Culture Manager, and Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director, were responsible for drafting the Report and following the entire process that has transformed Connexia into a Benefit Society. They did so with the invaluable help of the consultancy firm Sustainabilia.

Download the Report

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The MAMAF master’s course at the University of Pavia and Connexia have joined forces to promote pharmaceutical marketing

17 May 2021 – Connexia, bolstered by its new Health department, has been announced as the sponsor of the 16th edition of the Master in Pharmaceutical Marketing provided by the University of Pavia Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The agency will support and enhance the academic curriculum of the prestigious and well-established MAMAF master’s course, which draws its content from real-world scenarios and the latest innovations in the pharmaceutical sector.

Made up of 260 hours of lectures, the course also includes three work/study days, which will be delivered by Connexia professionals from 13 May 2021. These guest lecturers will be responsible for creating a module that can offer students theoretical knowledge and practical experience in developing a data-driven marketing and communication strategy, focusing the needs of patients and pharmaceutical stakeholders.

This is a chance for the MAMAF master’s students to gain a range of important insights, seeing data-driven innovation at work and witnessing the collaboration between the different roles that make up Connexia. The module invites students to explore the entire strategic process, from the receipt of the brief to target definition and analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods, and from the analysis of the competitive landscape and the patient journey to the definition of the strategy, channels and content, as well as the creative concept.

Designed and coordinated by Italo Marconi, Chief Innovation Officer, and Claudia Comolli, Director of Connexia Health, Connexia’s module will see a range of figures act as mentors: Clio Zippel, Creative Director; Giuseppe Laricchia, Creative Strategist; Stefano Corposanto, Marketing Intelligence Director; and Andrea Todon, Senior UX Designer.

The partnership between Connexia and the MAMAF master’s course at the University of Pavia aims to prepare young professionals for complex business systems, providing them with the necessary technical, managerial and organisational skills, while simultaneously deepening their knowledge of the fundamental principles of economic systems that regulate the pharmaceutical market, which will continue to feel the impact of digitalisation at various points of the value chain.

Today, an ever-growing expectation of multidisciplinarity is accompanied by the need to acquire specific and vertical skills in areas such as marketing and communication.

“We are very excited about our partnership with the MAMAF course at the University of Pavia, which has given us an opportunity to contribute to an excellent master’s degree from a renowned academic institution. We were particularly impressed by the university’s enthusiasm for this initiative, allowing the business and academic worlds to come together to share knowledge and practical information,” explained Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer. “Contributing to the growth of professionals in the pharmaceutical sector and promoting modern “antidisciplinary” methods is an integral part of Connexia’s mission. This collaboration with MAMAF is part of a series of similar initiatives, which will embrace innovative teaching methods to share the models developed by Connexia and contribute to the transformation of organisations, industries, and society as a whole. We are confident that this will be an enriching experience for everyone involved.”

“The objective of the MAMAF master’s course is to ensure that our students have the right skills to succeed within a dynamic and constantly evolving setting like the pharmaceutical industry,” added Professor Giorgio Lorenzo Colombo, MAMAF Scientific Coordinator. “Thanks to our network of leading partner companies, we are able to offer our master’s students a high-quality training experience alongside pharmaceutical industry professionals, allowing them to enter the world of work through the front door. We are particularly proud to name Connexia as our main sponsor, and we are sure that the skills its experts can share with our students will be incredibly valuable.”

“The growth of patient empowerment, driven by new means of communication and information, is changing our relationships and how we approach this audience,” noted Claudia Comolli, Director of Connexia Health. “With this module, designed specifically for the MAMAF master’s course, we want to provide tomorrow’s professionals with the theoretical and practical tools they need to devise well-founded communication strategies that can really reach these stakeholders.”

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“Buddy beat” and the new buddybank communication format from Connexia are here

13 May 2021 – buddybank, the UniCredit bank model designed exclusively for smartphones, presents “buddy beat”, the first subject of the new communication format from the “bank you don’t expect”: the bank that talks to its buddies in a simple way and stands by their side even in the most “tiring” moments of physical training and exercise.

Direct, authentic, unconventional: these are the key words that characterise buddybank, a bank that embodies business and communication methods that are completely innovative within the sector, translated and interpreted by the independent agency Connexia under the creative direction of Riccardo Catagnano and the client direction of Valerio Frontini. And, from today, with the collaboration of musician and nonsense dubbing artist Fabio CeLenza.

The protagonist of the 20” film “buddy beat” is Fabio CeLenza, an artist who is renowned for his nonsense dubbing: he is the creator of the voices that introduce the new services that buddybank offers all sportsmen and women, and those who care about their health, in a simple, informal and decidedly incomprehensible way.

Responding to the claim that “sport is a language you don’t understand”, buddybank offers a hyper-smart solution, once again underlining its harmony and closeness with its buddies, thanks to a unique, efficient and active service, designed to simplify everything that requires simplification.

Buddybank’s new campaign features an offer dedicated to all new customers, who can receive a voucher for a Fitbit Inspire 2 by opening an account by 30 June and spending €500 with their debit card.

“Buddy beat” encapsulates the innovative and contemporary communication style of buddybank: a campaign that deliberately disorientates and strongly reaffirms buddybank’s positioning by describing a different way of “being a bank,” explains Riccardo Catagnano, Creative Director and Head of Branded Content at Connexia. “Here at Connexia, we are delighted that we are now in our second year of collaboration with buddybank and able to support them in the construction of an alternative, disruptive and therefore distinctive communication path, which underlines the uniqueness of the approach and the reliability of UniCredit’s digital bank, which is always there for its clients and always attentive to their needs.”

“We were passionate about this new campaign right from the start. Thanks to Connexia, we are delighted that we were able to communicate it with the voice actor Fabio CeLenza,” comments Massimo Bondanza, Head of Marketing & Products. The idea of “buddy beat” was developed to promote physical and psychological wellbeing, both of which are essential for us, especially at this time in history.”


For further information: www.buddybank.com/buddybeat

buddybank presenta buddy beat

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Connexia Outcomes is here: a new marketing intelligence platform to support digital transformation paths

11 May 2021 – Market differentiation and positioning tools: Connexia presents Connexia Outcomes, an all-in-one marketing intelligence knowledge platform to monitor crucial business factors.

Brand perception, needs, behaviour, macro trends, business KPIs and industry performance: Connexia Outcomes provides companies with a customisable dashboard that brings together all the essential tools to monitor their business in a single solution.

Connexia is an increasingly sought-after partner, helping companies to define customer-first strategies in a historic period of uncertainty and profound changes. Working alongside chief marketing officers, as well as brand marketing and communication departments, Connexia has developed a set of innovative analysis services for the industry in question, focusing on target macro-profiling and search intelligence to support decision makers from a data-driven perspective.

Understanding competitors, customers and users; studying the market and its dynamics; interpreting competitive forces; managing channels; analysing micro and macro trends: Connexia Outcomes is the differentiation tool that allows you to analyse data and trends in all areas of business. Born from a multidisciplinary collaboration between the different departments that make up the agency—Innovation, SEO, Market Intelligence, Data Analysis—according to an open innovation approach, Connexia Outcomes’ modular structure allows you to operate using different services within a single repository and make quick, effective, coherent decisions to orient yourself in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment.

Trend Radar is a reporting module in which chief marketing officers can identify communication and customer experience macro trends, including by way of reports that are periodically shared in the module.

Additionally, Audience Tracker is an audience profiling solution developed in collaboration with BVA Doxa, which has long been synonymous with market surveys and public opinion in Italy, designed to help users to understand the target audiences of specific industries, while Personas Benchmarking is a tool that allows you to simplify comparisons between different audience profiles to understand their specific characteristics and guide marketing actions.

With Search Intelligence, Connexia Outcomes offers a detailed picture of audience needs and allows you to build a map of touchpoints and the degree of coverage developed by owned properties and competitors, allowing individual brands to understand their own reputation and awareness with regard to competitors.

Finally, KPI Monitoring is designed to simplify the analysis of business and communication KPIs by displaying the performance of the organisation’s brands, services, products and processes. Thanks to the sophisticated data pooling, its beta version allows you to access performance benchmarking, comparing the company to others in the sector.

“We are living in a moment of extraordinary, fluid and unpredictable change, in which the sharing of knowledge has become incredibly vital,” explained Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner of Strategy & Creativity at Connexia. “Thanks to Outcomes, and our mindset, Connexia has been able to expand its strategic consulting model, building data-driven partnerships with both brands and all the stakeholders in the world of communication, capable of triggering real change within complex companies and organisations.

For us, Connexia Outcomes is an aggregation, knowledge sharing and performance analysis platform that enables marketing strategies for companies through multi-channel, proprietary and fully customisable benchmarking & search intelligence tools.

This project perfectly encapsulates our agency’s positioning; our approach to consulting and open innovation; our creative processes, inspired by the collaboration and involvement of multidisciplinary teams; and our value proposition. I am very proud to present a product that represents our very ethos in terms of both its foundations and its potential.”

Under the guidance of the Chief Innovation Officer, Italo Marconi, the Connexia Innovation Team collaborated closely to develop Connexia Outcomes, bringing together Monica Rossi, Head of Technology; Andrea Todon, Senior UX Designer; Stefano Corposanto, Marketing Intelligence Director; Matteo Sbarra, Business Strategy Director; Giorgio Volpe, SEO Director; and Marco Cilia, Data Solution Director.

It is possible to request a live demo without activation costs and use of the Connexia Outcomes platform by filling out the online form on the dedicated website, followed by a quick yet in-depth analysis with the Connexia team to define your needs, identify the relevant KPIs, and personalise the segments based on the reference industry.

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Connexia adopts the Google Marketing Platform. The Digital Media Area is also growing in 2021.

23 March 2021 – Connexia, a Google Premier Partner – Google’s most prestigious and strategic certification, awarded to only 3% of the best Italian agencies that meet the programme’s quality requirements – is relaunching its Media services with the integration of the Google Marketing Platform.

From tag management, optimisation and data visualisation software to analytics, with the adoption of the Google Marketing Platform Connexia will be able to provide an even more precise and professional level of consultancy and services to support brands.

To better support its clients in achieving their marketing and communication objectives, as a Google Premier Partner Connexia has adapted to fully meet the specifications set out for Google Partners and can now count on the use of the most advanced digital marketing tools available on the market. Each Premier Partner must have at least 50% of its team certified in Google Skillshop. Each quarter, Google analyses the agency’s growth in terms of the number of customers managed, investments planned over time, the number of certified users and customer loyalty, to ensure that the services provided always meet the highest standards of quality.

As the only Italian agency to be selected by an international jury and nominated for the latest Google Premier Partner Awards, Connexia is continuing to strategically strengthen its Digital Media Area by adopting new digital tools and services (from digital marketing to cloud solutions), but also by opening up new positions and professional opportunities within this specific area.

“Making the Google Marketing Platform available to our clients means having an integrated media platform that will allow us to more effectively create, manage and grow high-impact digital campaigns,” explains Andrea Redaelli, Managing Partner Digital Media at Connexia. “With the adoption of new technological tools, we will be able to generate more relevant and effective marketing initiatives, while guaranteeing the privacy of our clients and full control over their data”.

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