Connexia takes “Wake Up Innovators” to Rome. A comparison of creativity and culture of innovation.

15 November 2019 – Connexia, a data-driven creativity agency with a passion for digital transformation, after the opening of its offices in the Italian capital and the acquisition of the digital experience agency, Ragooo, in spring this year, has decided to talk about its creative expertise, the culture of innovation and disruptive communication in the Roman edition of “Wake Up Innovators”, a series of periodically held meetings that are already a well-established event in Milan.
“Wake Up Innovators” is a gathering of pioneers of innovation and communicators who want to discuss and examine the topics of digital transformation, with the support of the know-how and competence of major experts in the sector. The first appointment for the Roman edition is set for Monday, 18 November, starting at 6:00 p.m. at Binario F, in via Marsala, 29H.
As Guest Speaker,Alberto Di Minin, Ordinary Professor at the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna High School of Pisa and Research Fellow of the Berkeley Round Table on the International Economy, will talk about “The paradox of innovation. How to construct the future of marketing and communication”, presented by Italo Marconi, Chief Innovation Officer of Connexia. There will be a discussion on the need of innovation to sustain the development and success of a company. In particular, the key elements necessary to maintain a balance during the process will be dealt with: respect for opponents, change management, the pursuit of a strategic approach, and focus on the results. Other speakers are: Manlio Ciralli, Chief Sales, Brand & Innovation Officer Italy, Eastern Europe, MENA of The Adecco Group, Luigi Maccallini, the Person-in-charge of Next Innovation at BNL – BNP Paribas Group, Alessio Cantoro, Chief Marketing Officer of and Carla Sangiorgio, Communications and Public Affairs Director Italy and Spain Johnson & Johnson.
“The appointment with Wake Up Innovators is now already a well-established event in Milan and we are sure that, also in Rome, it can become an important opportunity for meeting and discussing with the greatest experts of innovation”, according to Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO di Connexia, who adds: “Training and information, above all with regard to their digital and innovation content, are areas in constant evolution, and it is crucial for anyone who deals with communication, both outside and inside complex organisations, to monitor both and to look for inspiring opportunities to exchange thoughts and views. It is with this spirit that we are launching the series of meetings in Rome of Wake Up Innovators, in the firm belief that we can contribute to a greater awareness of the ongoing change and the instruments for keeping it under control”.