Wake Up Innovators RESTART Connexia vis-à-vis with the cosmetics industry. Guest: Raffaella Gregoris.

8 June 2020 – The eleventh appointment of Wake Up Innovators | RESTART, the series of meetings dedicated to starting over, hosted by Connexia.
As a free and wholly digital event, Wake Up Innovators | RESTART Special Edition offers an opportunity for a concrete analysis and open discussion with the major players of Italian industry, to take stock of business and strategies for responding to coronavirus emergency and restarting.
Invited this time to the virtual “lounge” of Connexia Corporate Communication Director, Zornitza Kratchmarova, is Raffaella Gregoris, founder of Bakel, the premium skincare brand. The entrepreneur will reflect on the changes in consumer habits, the new trends and specific needs affecting the cosmetics industry during and after lockdown, looking at the essential elements of the beauty scene: research, safety, quality, traceability and timely information.
Free live meeting subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.
Thursday 11 June
9:00 – 10:00
@Cisco Webex