“Wake Up Innovators” is back. The innovation culture by Doxa & Connexia. Italo Marconi and Demetrio Migliorati join us for the second event to discuss blockchains.

“WAKE UP INNOVATORS” is back. This is the second event in a series of monthly meetings about the innovation culture and scientific research organised by Doxa, Italy’s leading market research and analysis firm, and Connexia, the Doxa Group’s data-driven creativity agency.

The guest of honour at the second “innovation breakfast”, entitled “Blockchain for dummies: the beginner’s guide to blockchains”, is Demetrio Migliorati, who is the Head of the Blockchain Program at Banca Mediolanum. The discussion will be moderated by Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer, and is open to all dedicated and enthusiastic “innovation pioneers”.

Blockchain is the theme for the second “WAKE UP INNOVATORS”, which starts at 8. 30 a. m. on Thursday, 28th June, on the panoramic sixth floor of the Doxa building. Blockchain is a relatively new technological advance that is increasingly gaining traction with an ever-wider base of stakeholders and experts as this innovation has infinite applications for many different business and industries.

Introducing “Wake Up Innovators”, a series of meetings about the innovation culture hosted by Doxa and Connexia

Milan, 24 April 2018 – Doxa, Italy’s leading market research and analysis firm, and Connexia, the group’s data-driven creativity agency, introduce the first in a new series of “WAKE UP INNOVATORS” meetings, a monthly gettogether where we can discuss and explore hot topics in the world of innovation while benefiting from the knowledge and expertise of leading industry experts.

The first meeting is open to all dedicated and enthusiastic “innovation pioneers” and will be held in the Doxa building (Via Bartolomeo Panizza, 7) at 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 29th May. A breakfast encounter animated by a free, informal chat to “wake up” everyone who wants to explore and really understand the infinite potential of digital transformation. This is a unique must-grab chance to meet and have a relaxed chat with professionals and experts and discuss experiences, expertise and real cases over a brioche and a cappuccino.

The guest at our first “innovation breakfast” is Cosimo Accoto, a Research Affiliate at MIT in Boston and expert on big data and the feedforward society. The guests and participants can explore “The Data World: Big Data and the feedforward society” and the “five apocalypses of inhumanity” – the code economy, data science, artificial intelligence, platform thinking and blockchain business – during the conversation with Cosimo Accoto which will be moderated by Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer, to find out how marketing, communication and branding could change, and get some ideas from the challenges featured in his latest book, The Data World; five short lessons on digital philosophy.”


Tuesday, 29th May
8.30 – 9.30 a.m.

@Palazzo Doxa
Via Bartolomeo Panizza, 7 – Milan

 To register for the event, go to wakeup.innovators@connexia.com