Connexia opens in Rome. Felice d’Endice is the new branch director.

18 March 2019 – Connexia, the marketing and communications consultancy agency that blends data and creativity with technology, is fulfilling its own growth strategy and opening a branch in Italy’s capital city.

After closing 2018 23% up on 2017, Connexia is branching out to make its data analysis, creativity and technology assets available to Rome’s businesses, associations and institutions to guide them through digital transformation and help them achieve their forecasted business results.

In keeping with its elegant yet quirky office spaces in Milan, Connexia has chosen the Copernico for its new Roman offices and ClubHouse Barberini, the business club featuring turnkey office space complemented by a lounge, meeting and event spaces, a café and restaurants.

To head up the Rome branch, Connexia’s management has appointed Felice d’Endice as the director. Felice worked at several agencies at the beginning of his career in communication before moving on to Comunicazione Italiana, where he stayed for ten years handling major executive projects, like the forums on sustainability, digital communication and human resources (Forum della Sostenibilità, Forum della Comunicazione Digitale, and Forum delle Risorse Umane) to name but a few. He has spent the past four years at EGA Worldwide Congresses & Events, as the Project Director of many special projects, such as Expo 2015 and the G7 Summit in May 2017.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the Connexia team and given this responsibility,” said Felice d’Endice, the Director of Connexia’s Rome branch. “This is an incredible opening for me to grow professionally, and also a fantastic opportunity and the best way for me to integrate all the communications activities and capitalise on all the experience I have gained over the years.”

“I firmly believe we can deliver real value to Rome’s businesses and institutions with our unique mix of data analysis, creativity and innovation and flair for accelerating our clients’ transformation processes that gives them higher standards of performance and competitiveness in the market,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “For this project to succeed, we needed someone with a broad-based profile who could manage all of Connexia’s assets and skills, and Felice fits the bill to a T.”

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Connexia develops new integrated communication for deBBY, the special friend of a confident generation that is ready to “take a bite out of life”!

13 March 2019 – Connexia, the marketing and communications consultancy agency that blends data and creativity with technology, has developed an integrated digital communication strategy with an aspirational feel that revolves around sharing to reposition deBBY, the Deborah Group’s younger cosmopolitan world brand.

The new deBBY communication strategy appeals to anyone who loves sharing every moment of their day, and its main goal is to strengthen the brand’s fame and the new positioning of the 18-25 line by focusing on consideration and emphasising the performance of the products and their value for money.

deBBY has always represented a generation with a curious, sunny outlook on our commitments in life. Strong-willed, tongue-in-cheek, analytical, intelligent and bold, the «deBBY girl» believes in friendship and is fearless about sharing her feelings and thoughts on social networks. As deBBY is always connected with its consumers and well-aware of how their needs are changing, the brand immediately knew how to use make-up to embrace the change in the relationship with “Generation Z”, by developing the new communication strategy on the brand’s social properties, on the new website and via dedicated digital PR activities.

A professional yet laidback tone of voice, focus on performance and on product quality, with ad hoc photoshoots to underline the brand’s characteristics and specificities, and Instagram-centric communication: Connexia interprets how the channels and habits are evolving in the younger target’s relationship with the brand to ensure this relationship is one of equals with the aim of inspiring empathy, close bonds, and trust. deBBY becomes the special friend, social enabler, and solution that make girls feel confident and ready to go out.

The brand speaks to its target on social media through photographic storytelling of the products, acting as a friend that the “deBBY target” can trust in all the situations that age range typically experiences on a daily basis. A custom-designed advertising plan, which is constantly updated, has been developed to support the social communication with the aim of following the users through the awareness – consideration – preference funnel. This means we always know at which step the final user is and can propose differentiated creativity with specific objectives, thereby maximising investments.

At the same time, Connexia also needed to ensure that the consideration and preference KPIs are achieved as part of the goal of communicating deBBY as a brand that understands a young, independent generation, while highlighting how the products perform from quality through to colour range. To this end, Connexia selected and appointed a team of female and male beauty and lifestyle influencers to fuel the digital PR initiatives. The influencers created customised original content for every product launch to explore and highlight the “why” behind the choice of every deBBY product.

“This new communication strategy follows the evolution that deBBY has always known how to cope with,” explained Cristina Martella, the Digital Marketing Manager for the Deborah Group. “By keeping the focus on the 18-25 target, today’s Generation Z, we have successfully built a strategy that gels with their universe of values and worlds of reference, while maintaining the integrity of the brand’s DNA.

The bold digital imprint and Instagram-centric approach are the levers we chose to establish a relationship with our “GIRLS”. Amongst other things, studies of this target show that these girls are very savvy, so we don’t want to create content solely to engage an audience, instead we see these tools as channels for initiating contact and building a relationship based on trust, creating a real deBBY Community.”

 “As the finishing touch to the process of strengthening the positioning of deBBY as a dynamic, engaged social brand, Connexia has designed and developed the new website, a special space designed to really celebrate the trends of the 18-25 target,” said Stefano Ardito, Connexia’s Chief Growth Officer.deBBY’s new web presence is optimised for mobile devices, and one of its most distinctive features is the simple, intuitive navigation that provides instant access to product content, the brand presentation and tools to find the nearest store to buy the products. By using an integrated communication strategy, Connexia has successfully tapped into the “deBBY girl’s” digital evolution and built new expressive, community and sharing spaces for her.”

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The Ventura Group appoints Connexia as its digital partner

20 February 2019 – Connexia, the communication industry’s leading data-driven creativity agency since 1997, has been appointed by Ventura, the holding company of the BCD Travel, BCD Meetings & Events and Travelgood brands in Italy, as its digital partner and consultant for the definition of the communication strategy on digital and social channels.

For over forty years the Ventura Group has managed and assisted its clients with their travel needs to help them accomplish every corporate and professional goal. From business travel with BCD Travel and Travelgood services for travel agencies to events organisation and logistics management of big sports event with BCD Meetings & Events: today the group has over 370 experts working in five branches (Milan, Florence, Treviso, Turin and Guardiagrele) and a € 365 million turnover.

Driven by the need to more effectively communicate its position as market leader and its three different lines of business, the Ventura Group chose to appoint the Connexia marketing and communications consultancy firm in 2018 to help it embark on reorganising its digital identity.

Work started by analysing the digital ecosystem of Ventura and its BCD Travel, BCD Meetings & Events and Travelgood brands, and building a digital strategy that would allow them to outline a roadmap of activities and optimisations aimed at strengthening the group’s digital image: this included everything from defining visual guidelines which would create a “family feeling” and ensure the group’s ecosystem and individual brands are easily recognisable to creating editorial guidelines for each brand which were adapted to suit the different channels of communication.

The first task for 2019 was to restyle, the meeting and event organisation website, before going on to revamp the group’s other websites.

“When we were selecting a partner for our most challenging digital overhaul and repositioning project of recent years, it was the structured approach to consultancy that made the difference,” said Davide Rosi, the Managing Director of Ventura S.p.A. “At Connexia we have found exactly what we need to give our communication the power and consistency it needs for the strategic projects that fuel our lines of business in a historic moment in which the travel industry, even the B2B side, is completely rethinking its rationale.”

“It is a real pleasure to have the opportunity to work together with knowledgeable, motivated clients on wide-ranging projects and on rationalising and redefining the social and digital communication strategy for all the properties of an industry leader like Ventura,” said Massimiliano Trisolino, Connexia’s Chief Strategy Officer. “Travel is definitely one the industries most affected by change and the one for which rethinking communication models and strategies is absolutely essential. It is an industry that has a lot to gain in terms of awareness and process optimisation by embarking on digital transformation, starting by analysing and reassessing content through to optimising the editorial aspect for the various communication channels.”

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BIODERMA appoints Connexia and launches #InsiemeAlleMamme, the ATODERM multichannel advertising campaign

14 February 2019 – BIODERMA, the brand that has combined maximum biological efficacy with dermatological research to become a byword worldwide for skin care and protection, has launched a concept called #InsiemeAlleMamme (Together with Mums) for their children’s skin. At the heart of the advertising campaign devised by Connexia, the Milanese data-driven creativity agency, is repositioning BIODERMA’s ATODERM product range by using emotive communication that revolves around parents and presents BIODERMA as a trusted ally to help them manage the daily care of skin suffering from atopic dermatitis.

BIODERMA has products for the entire family, but above all “speaks” to the hearts of mums, who are frequently the first to take action to try to bring their children relief when suffering from atopic dermatitis. Often not easy to recognise, AD causes discomfort for children ranging from itchiness to a generalised irritation, and interrupts sleep while the lack of symptoms leaves mums feeling particularly frustrated and powerless. It is vital that we strike the right chord with this target to offer reassurance and let them know they can count on a network of experienced people with whom they can discuss and learn about the condition and the soothing solutions that are available.

Connexia analysed the perception, uncertainties and needs of these target-mums to create a multichannel advertising and positioning strategy for BIODERMA’s ATODERM brand that revolves around emotional engagement, and ensures that BIODERMA is seen as a brand that helps to transform the negative experiences of mums trying to cope with their children’s AD – experiences that involve considerable uncertainty, guilt and frustration – into a reassuring experience. Because mums know they need a trusted ally against AD, and BIODERMA knows this too which is why it chooses to help them every day.

The core of the entire strategy social developed by Connexia is the #InsiemeAlleMamme campaign video. The video went live on 13th February on BIODERMA’s social channels (FB, IG and YT) and on the campaign’s dedicated landing page, which was designed to offer a service hub to provide all the necessary information and helpful advice about atopic dermatitis. Clips will be taken from the emotive video and shared on the brand’s Facebook page and IG channel, where educational content will be mixed with more emotive content. As part of the editorial plan, the brand not only assumes the role of an expert to offer mums a series of tips and information on specially designed postcards about atopic dermatitis and how to manage it, but also give mums who live with the difficulties posed by atopic dermatitis day in day out a chance to tell their stories. Plus, all the mums are invited to post their worries and queries about AD on Facebook between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on 19th February. They can comment on posts and post their questions and concerns on the page and a dermatology expert will reply in real-time. The most interesting questions and answers will then feature in motion graphic video, which will also be posted on BIODERMA’s Facebook page.

The #InsiemeAlleMamme video will also be available on the landing page, complete with information and practical advice from the experts about how to treat atopic dermatitis.

#InsiemeAlleMamme is a 360° project for us as we have curated every aspect of the communication: we devised the strategy, created the concept, produced the video, developed a structured editorial plan that meets the target’s needs for information and engagement, and managed the media planning.” explained Stefano Ardito, Connexia’s Chief Growth Officer“The #InsiemeAlleMamme concept features many opportunities for engagement across multiple channels, and takes the form of numerous initiatives that are all designed for different touchpoints and envelop mums and their children in the perfect reassuring embrace. We have helped to build an integrated communication ecosystem, in which the digital channels play a key role. Because if it is true that 98% of Italian mums have a smartphone and are always connected, it is just as significant that nine out of ten mums say that they prefer to use “women’s blogs to get information about how to care for and look after their children.”

“Every year we invest considerable resources in researching and developing products that improve the quality of life for children and adults suffering from atopic dermatitis, but this is the first time that BIODERMA has chosen to speak “from the heart” directly to consumers.” said Ambre Martinez, BIODERMA’s Marketing Manager. “We want to offer value-rich content and make people feel that the brand really cares about their lives, especially those who find themselves having to tackle dermatological issues, so we can help them to enjoy having healthy skin again. Thanks to Connexia we have managed to broaden our consumers’ understanding, establish a dialogue with them and respond to their atopic dermatitis needs more quickly and effectively. This is exactly why we chose to place mums at the heart of our project: these are the people in our country who play a primary role in anything relating to atopic dermatitis, because they are the first to be called upon to do something, gain awareness and find quality solutions. We are delighted that these aspects are voiced so loudly in this campaign, which combines the emotional side with the practical side provided by advice from specialists.”

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“Wake Up Innovators” by Doxa & Connexia is back! A new date with the 4.0 universe and the innovation culture. Guest: Simone Pieranni.

11 February 2019 – Doxa, Italy’s leading market research and analysis firm, and Connexia, the marketing and communications consultancy agency, are hosting the seventh “WAKE UP INNOVATORS”, a series of monthly meetings about the digital culture, science, innovation, and disruptive communication.

This time we’re talking about China.

Until a few years ago, China was seen as one of the more fragile, unstable countries in terms of social and economic development and a global manufacturer of low-quality goods. But China has implemented major funding initiatives and social and political reforms focused on promoting and supporting the innovation culture over the past ten years, and is now rapidly developing across a multitude of sectors. China has managed to completely revolutionise its role in the global economy with projects and initiatives, such as Made in China 2015 and The New Silk Road, and accomplish levels of social control the like of which have never been seen before.

But what will be the consequences of this transformation process in the future?

Simone Pieranni, the founder of China Files and editor-in-chief of il manifesto, and Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer, will discuss the past, present and imminent future of China during a talk entitled, “China 4.0: from the world’s factory to technological leader.”

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Yamaha’s 2019 Pan-European Dealer Meeting: Yamaha Motor Europe met all its dealers in Seville to design a “Future Made Together”. By Connexia.

6 February 2019 – Following international talks during the second half of 2018, Yamaha Motor Europe, the European branch of the legendary Japanese manufacturer, has once again chosen Connexia, the Italian marketing and communications consultancy agency and happy member of the Doxa family, to organise the second edition of its Pan-European Dealer Meeting (2019 PEDM), which brings together all the brand’s official dealers from across Europe.

Three years after the success of the immense Barcelona meeting in 2016, the Milanese agency strengthens relations with the celebrated motorcycle manufacturer’s European headquarters and confirms its role as Yamaha’s strategic partner for developing the creative concept, formulation and production of the convention that periodically brings together all of Yamaha Motor’s official European dealers from the motorcycle and scooter, marine, ATV & side-by-side, golf car, snowmobile and power equipment divisions.

For three days (14-15-16 January) Andalusia’s splendid capital city, Seville, was home to the 2019 PEDM, designed by Yamaha Motor Europe to share results, strategies, goals and the brand’s vision for the imminent future. The meeting is also an opportunity to demonstrate to the entire vast network of dealers how the ecosystem of Yamaha products is evolving, offer them fresh motivation for further innovation and encourage them to sharpen their focus on customer service.

The impressive, modern FIBES Conference and Exhibition Centre in the historical Andalusian city welcomed over 2,000 guests and kept them entertained with a packed schedule.

The meeting opened with an important business conference attended by the President of the Yamaha Motor Corporation Yoshihiro Hidaka and the President of Yamaha Motor Europe Eric de Seynes. They were then accompanied by all the heads of the main Yamaha Motor Europe divisions and the Japanese trials champion Kuroyama San, who brought the TY-E up on the stage (an incredible concept presented with MOTOROiD, Yamaha’s first product featuring artificial intelligence). The event continued in a larger area specially set up for the occasion so that attendees could have a closer one-to-one look at the various activities currently promoted by the brand.

The 2019 PEDM wrapped up with a spectacular gala dinner in pure Hollywood style. The stunning show featured appearances by all the official 2019 Yamaha Racing teams and riders, including a couple of immensely popular Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGPÔ Team riders: nine-time MotoGPÔ champion Valentino Rossi and the talented Spanish rider Maverick Viñales who provided a triumphant end to the evening.

Riders from the Yamaha WorldSBK teams were also in Seville: Alex Lowes and Michael Van der Mark from the Pata Yamaha WorldSBK Team and Marco Melandri and Sandro Cortese from the GRT Yamaha WorldSBK Supported Team. From tarmac to terrain… riders from the official Yamaha MXGP teams were also at the event: Romain Febvre and Jeremy Seewer from the Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP Team, and Gautier Paulin and Arnaud Tonus from the Monster Energy Wilvo Yamaha MXGP Team. Special guests included Tom Pagès, the 2018 FMX world champion on his Yamaha YZ250, and the big wave surfer Garrett McNamara, who has been officially supported by Yamaha Marine during his numerous record-breaking adventures.

The entire event from business to entertainment was presented by the British sports journalist Immy Barclay. She is a hugely popular television presenter in the UK and this was her second time working with Yamaha Motor Europe having fronted the 2018 EICMA World Press Première.

The core driving force behind the entire event was “Future Made Together”, the creative concept devised by Connexia to highlight the bond between Yamaha and its official dealers and the shared values and goals in which they all firmly believe,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “A stage show with mega video projection screens and breath-taking LED displays created for the convention auditorium as well as the massive gala dinner venue fully immersed the guests in the spectacular, infinite world of Yamaha, a world that Connexia knows well and has learned to tell its story in a uniquely original way.”

Relive the highlights of Yamaha’s 2019 PEDM

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The IED Milan Digital Marketing and Big Data course begins with Connexia, the data-driven creativity agency, as the scientific partner. Two full scholarships offered by NAOS

23 January 2018 – Ninety hours of lectures, two weekly evening encounters, and three teaching modules (1st module: Context and Tools; 2nd module: Data, Strategic Thinking and Creativity, 3rd module: Project Work) focused on data analysis and the ability to build digital-oriented creative solutions, plus two innovation-driven partners and two 100% scholarships.

These are the “ingredients” in the second Digital Marketing and Big Data course offered by the IED Milan School of Communication to provide the analytical and operational tools needed to plan digital marketing and communication activities.

From 6th March to 26th June 2019 students will learn more about strategic and creative levers and how to use them, adapt them to digital use, and implement them on a practical level with the help of data analysis. This is the second year running that both the scientific coordinators, professionals who have worked in digital communication for many years, will be working with the course: Michele Sarzana, the Manager of Advertising & Digital Hub at Fastweb, and Massimiliano Trisolino, the Chief Strategy Officer at Connexia.

A distinctive training opportunity that integrates and completes the vertical experience of the Connexia data-driven creativity agency with two full scholarships offered by NAOS, the skincare multinational famous for the BIODERMA and Institut Esthederm brands.

“NAOS has a modern set of values and is very driven to invest in innovation, renewal and improvement,” said Denis Balbo, the Regional Head of Digital Transformation, “We chose to provide full funding for two scholarships to attend the Digital Marketing and Big Data course because we believe in the digital culture and specialist training. Our company is a multinational business in which data strategy, envisioning, evolution and organisational culture enhancement are essential for all aspects of communication and business processes. The students are professionals who are on the verge of tackling the employment market with new skills and can harness the opportunities offered by digital transformation, intercept trends, develop insight and ideas, and build relevant communication and marketing strategies driven by data analysis so supporting and helping to train these “new talents” is completely in keeping with NAOS’ digital DNA and with its capacity for experimenting collaborative and innovative working methods, which is particularly attractive for the “digital specialists” of today and tomorrow.”

Students wishing to win the two scholarships, which are valid for 2018-2019 school year and subject to the course being available, can apply by filling in the online form and sending an up-to-date curriculum vitae with a covering letter by 10th February 2019. Candidates will be called in for an interview by the Admission Advisor. The candidates will be assessed on merit by a jury which comprises the course coordinators and representatives from NAOS and makes the final decision about whom to award the scholarships.

“We are proud to announce our collaboration with NAOS. It gives our students on the Digital Marketing and Big Data course the chance in this first year to tackle three real projects assigned to us by the company, as well as the opportunity to apply for two merit scholarships for the course,” said Elena Sacco, the Director of the IED Milan School of Communication. “The programme provided by Trisolino and Sarzana, the course’s scientific coordinators, offers a clear continuation and uses expertise and the learning by doing method, which is in keeping with the IED philosophy, to teach the students all the tools they need to work in today’s digital marketing.”

“Unlike many big players, we as an agency have invested and continue to invest a considerable amount in people, inspired by the British-style advanced models of collaboration,” said Massimiliano Trisolino, Connexia’s CSO “We firmly believe in the importance of making the most of Italy’s new creative talents: today’s millennials are looking for professional environments in which they can successfully express themselves and provide a real personal contribution. In Connexia we have invested so much in creativity and analytical expertise; we work hard to create multidisciplinary teams and build a new organisational model in which we can blend the best practices from consultancy firms with the fluid models typical of creative agencies. All our different experts work seamlessly and strategically together, infusing every communication strategy and every creative approach with digital DNA. By sharing our experience, working with IED and coordinating the work on the Digital Marketing and Big Data higher education course, we have chosen to support specialist training courses and help to shape the new digital communication professionals.”

Further information about the IED Milan Digital Marketing and Big Data course, which starts on 6th March 2019, is available here.

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“Wake Up Innovators” returns with the sixth innovation culture event by Doxa & Connexia. Guest: Alberto Maestri

21 January 2019 – Doxa, Italy’s leading market research and analysis firm, and Connexia, the marketing and communications consultancy agency, are hosting the first “WAKE UP INNOVATORS” of 2019 as part of their series of monthly meetings about the digital culture, science, innovation, and disruptive communication.

The innovation-driven breakfast encounters kick off the New Year with a talk entitled, “The Demise of Seth Godin. The Challenges and Future of Marketing in the Platform Economy.” Alberto Maestri, the Chief Content Officer at OpenKnowledge, explores the marketing paradoxes of today and tomorrow.

Part of the discussion explores data-driven marketing strategies that use digital platforms and algorithms to build increasingly more complex, immersive experiences to solely benefit the brand. The other part examines how some brands still do not fully understand just how “engulfing” these pervasive technologies are becoming for individuals and for companies.

Moderated by Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer, the discussion is an opportunity to debate what we think about the nonsense in today’s communications and the future of marketing.

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Riccardo Catagnano is Connexia’s new Creative Director and Head of Branded Content

8 January 2019 – Connexia, the Doxa Group’s data-driven creativity agency, closed the final successful quarter of 2018 23% up on 2017 and has visionary plans for capitalising on the many opportunities that 2019 holds in store for the firm.

The final, strategic piece needed to complete the “new talent campaign” for 2018 in now in place with the latest addition to the creative team – Riccardo Catagnano, Connexia’s new Creative Director and Head of Branded Content.

A successful creative, Riccardo Catagnano has had a knack throughout his career for intuiting all the ideas and suggestions offered by communication and interpreting them with his own personal twist. He started out at BgsD’Arcy, where he gained experience with clients like Swatch and Wind, before moving to Y&R, where he handled campaigns for Danone and communication formats for Tim. Eager to experiment with traditional communication tout court, Riccardo decided to take time out from advertising and try his hand at television as a writer for Italia 1 and All Music TV. After his excursion into the world of the small screen, Riccardo returned to traditional advertising and joined Saatchi & Saatchi, where first he handled P&G for EMEA countries, and then developed local and international campaigns for clients such as Renault, Toyota, MTV, Alpitour, illy, Intesa Sanpaolo, Visa, and Peroni. Some of his most memorable, award-winning integrated campaigns are without doubt the campaigns produced for Buondì and Panettone Motta, which set tangible benchmarks for Italian advertising.

“Riccardo’s arrival marks a crucial milestone in the growth of Connexia: we have further strengthened our organisation, improved the agency’s creative reach and broadened its offering with an evolved, original approach to ATL,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “2019 is the year in which more investments will be made in digital than television in Italy, the year in which television is destined to become a “version” of digital in terms of creativity and content although it will still be a very important trigger. So it seems we have everything we need to do well; we’ll continue leveraging the value of incorporating data, strategic thinking, creativity and technology, strengthening our position as a data-driven creativity agency, and keeping our growth rate in the same double figures that we’ve seen every year for the past four years .”

By joining Connexia now, at an incredibly satisfying time of immense momentum for the agency, Riccardo Catagnano has helped redefine and perfect Connexia’s “creative heart” by forming an exceptional quartet featuring a revolutionary “creative double-couple”: Riccardo teams up with Creative Director Clio Zippel to work alongside our experienced duo of Creative Directors Anna Vasta and Adriano Aricò.

“Riccardo is a particularly important addition to our creative team. His professional career with solid roots in traditional advertising and more recent experience with digital, his talent for building communication systems based on storytelling, and his unique personality are just some of the reasons why he is one of the most highly acclaimed creatives of 2018 and a guaranteed injection of utterly inimitable creativity,” said Massimiliano Trisolino, Connexia’s CSO. “We have always strived to achieve a broad and varied skillset; it’s a specific quality on which we have been working for a while now as it helps us build integrated communication projects and innovative branded content. So we are especially proud to know Connexia is an attractive proposition for talents of the calibre of Riccardo.

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#AccendiunaLuce The Progetto Arca Foundation pierces the darkness of countless lonely people. Suggested by Elior Ristorazione. Created by Connexia

The Christmas Novel 2018 is a special story. A story that begins a long way away. A story in which many stories and many lives are intertwined. The lives of people who live in isolation and poverty, lives suspended in a social blackout, a darkness that prevents them from taking action or reacting.

The Progetto Arca Foundation has been working hand in hand with some of society’s most vulnerable and marginalised people for 25 years, offering them a safe place to stay, the comfort of a hot meal, someone to talk to, and medical care.

Homeless people, families suffering a financial and housing crisis, people with addictions, and asylum seekers trying to grasp a second chance at life. Progetto Arca helps all these people without ever discriminating so that they can turn their light back on and build a future in which they are independent and socially integrated.

It was exactly a year ago when the Progetto Arca story intersected almost by chance with the story of the Connexia creative agency which decided to launch the initiative XMasPitch during the traditional period of seasonal Christmas greetings. Connexia turned the tables and invited its clients to do a “Christmas pitch” with a mini “social” brief involving a charity or a non-profit public benefit organisation that was in some way close to their hearts. The agency set up an in-house jury to sift through the many bids that rolled in. They finally chose a proposal from Elior Ristorazione, a global player in the contracted food and support services industry, which has always focused on sustainability and combating waste. And so Elior’s claim “The taste for real, practical and shared sustainability” opened the doors to some common ground and Progetto Arca won a digital creative campaign produced by Connexia for free.

This succession of so many different, unique stories gave rise to #AccendiunaLuce (Turn on a Light), the digital fundraising campaign devised by the marketing and communications consultancy agency Connexia for Progetto Arca to raise people’s awareness and engage them so that they would choose to make a gesture of solidarity at Christmas and turn the light of hope back on for someone who can currently see no way out.

Six weeks of online planning began on 22nd November for a multi-subject campaign that tells the stories of lives suspended in the dark by loneliness and marginalisation. Connexia gives a voice to the voiceless, supporting Progetto Arca as it listens to, protects and helps those in need.

 The #AccendiunaLuce campaign revolves entirely around the dualism between light and dark. Each one of the creative ideas devised by Connexia takes you to a dedicated landing page, divided into three sections. The first explains the concept behind “AccendiunaLuce”, the second reveals and gradually illuminates the faces and stories of the fifteen homeless people who have agreed to put a face to the hardship and loneliness, and the third presents the Progetto Arca Foundation’s mission and explains what the project hopes to achieve.

At Elior, we are committed to raising awareness about using resources more rationally and reducing food waste so we can make a positive impact on our planet,” said Rosario Ambrosino, the CEO of Elior. “For years our group has been working on the issue of food surpluses with a range of initiatives: circulating stocks and distributing products nearing their best-before date to no-profit organisations are just some of the practices we promote to prevent food wastage. We also help the Progetto Arca non-profit public benefit organisation by distributing food and drink so we are delighted to be supporting this initiative as it gives us yet another opportunity to give them the help they really need.”

“If we want to make a positive impact on the society and environment in which we live, if we want to play a significant role and be truly relevant, we need to step up and do what we can as individuals and as private businesses by being sensitive to others and willing to offer our expertise,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “Connexia’s pro bono work could have been a simple style exercise by our creatives, but our team was bowled over by the mission of Progetto Arca. We were awestruck by what their volunteers do and touched to the core by the stories of those who inadvertently find themselves in the dark. Our young talents found themselves dealing with a quite unexpected side of humanity. We invested what we know how to do best so we could help Progetto Arca to turn on a light. And in doing so we have learned so much.”

 “We’re very grateful to Elior and Connexia for their hard work and willingness to help,” said Alberto Sinigallia, President of the Progetto Arca Foundation. “They truly believed in this project with us, giving us their time and expertise and being sensitive enough to listen to our stories and then “translate” them into words and pictures.

At the heart of this campaign are people with an extraordinary capacity for resilience. No matter what has happened in their past, which is often very painful, they all express a powerful desire to be able to turn their light back on so that they start to hope and live once again. What we do is to believe in the potential of the people we meet and help them as they embark on their new project in life.”

Connexia revs up with Yamaha at the 2018 EICMA

20 Dicember 2018 – Yamaha Motor Europe once again chose Connexia to organise its Global Press Première at the 76th EICMA (the Milan Motorcycle Show).

The Doxa Group’s marketing and communications consultancy agency further strengthened relations with the European headquarters of the legendary Japanese motorbike manufacturer, confirming its role for the eighth year in a row as Yamaha’s strategic partner in developing the creative concept, and devising and producing all aspects of what is now recognised as the most important annual press event for Yamaha.

The Global Press Première was held on Monday evening, 5th November, at Superstudio Più in Milan’s Via Tortona, and, as is now customary, officially kicked off the most eagerly-anticipated week of the year for bike lovers the world over. The goal of the press conference was to offer the industry professionals in Milan and the millions of fans watching remotely a global preview of the most important new motorbikes and scooters joining the Yamaha Motor extensive range in 2019.

The core driving force behind the “Keep on REVVING” event was the creative concept devised by Connexia to highlight the Japanese brand’s passion for speed, relentless thrill-seeking, and affinity for discovery and travel. Featuring three 16-metre mega video projection screens, the immersive stage show “catapulted” the audience into the different Yamaha “worlds” and spectacularly changed in jaw-dropping style to suit whichever segment was being presented.

The Global Press Première wowed the 700 members of the international press, Yamaha distributors and VIP guests at the venue, but what really helped to ensure its full global impact was that the entire event was streamed live and broadcast for the first time ever live on SKY Sport MotoGPÔ, channel 208 on the Italian Sky platform: a strategic media partnership organised with the Sky Sport Italia management by Connexia for Yamaha Motor Europe.

As Yamaha Motor Europe’s social media agency, Connexia produced the online and social media live streaming and also managed all the full-length live coverage on all the brand’s social media properties and the live social media coverage on the Yamaha stand at the 2018 EICMA.

The real star of the opening evening was the new Yamaha Ténéré 700 adventure bike. The adventure riding community has been champing at the bit for a glimpse of this bike, which is tipped to become the queen of the 2018 EICMA.

Unveiled to the world in an elaborate laser light show complete with atmospheric smoke and a world-class rider, the Frenchman Adrien Van Beveren and Yamalube Yamaha Official Rally Team rider at the 2019 Dakar Rally, the Yamaha Ténéré 700 was one of many new models on show. Others included the Yamaha 3CT Prototype, a revolutionary prototype three-wheel scooter; the new Yamaha X-MAX IRON MAX sport scooter; the Yamaha R125 and R3 supersports (the R3 is also available in a GYTR racing version); the revolutionary new Yamaha NIKEN GT three-wheel motorcycle, and the new Yamaha XSR XTribute scrambler from the iconic “Faster Sons” family.

The highlight of the evening was when the première ventured into Yamaha’s enthralling world of adventure with step-by-step highlights from the Ténéré 700 prototype’s exhilarating journey through four continental stages on its World Raid Tour, an adventure that wrapped up in Milan with the unveiling of the new Yamaha Ténéré 700 production bike that will be available in all official Yamaha dealerships in 2019.

The final highlight of the evening was a real surprise: the limited GYTR edition of the Yamaha YZF-R1 supersport queen, which will be given solely to a select few in the racing world. Yamaha Motor designed it to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the brand’s famous Superbike and as a tribute to Yamaha’s long list of wins at the legendary “Suzuka 8 Hours” endurance race. Only twenty bikes have been made with many outstanding features, including a special paint scheme dedicated to the official GYTR team, which recently won the world’s biggest 8-hour race.

“It’s a real thrill to be partnering Yamaha at the EICMA for the eighth time,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “Automotive was the first industry with which we worked. It’s a tradition of expertise for Connexia that embraces a multitude of activities with everything from strategic and editorial support to individual launches, and content creation to managing and moderating social media channels. Renewing our partnership with Yamaha year after year validates our integrated approach and passion for creating relevant content, content that can communicate well across all channels and dovetails flawlessly with our ongoing innovation. We know the best way to communicate the brand because we’re at home in the motorsports world and we know how to celebrate Yamaha’s values with events custom designed to fulfil all its communication and business needs.”

In addition to rally champion Adrien Van Beveren, there were many other top riders at the première, such as the Pata Yamaha Official WorldSBK team rider Michael Van der Mark on the new Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR, the super-talented Italian R125 and R3 Cup Winners, Matteo Vannucci and Kevin Arduini, and Yamaha’s first official Indonesian rider, Galang Hendra Pratama, the top-tipped WorldSSP300 rider for 2019.

The 2018 Yamaha Global Press Première was also a first for Yoshihiro Hidaka, the new president of the Yamaha Motor Corporation, and an opportunity to officially introduce Frenchman Eric de Seynes as the new president of Yamaha Motor Europe on the most important stage in the motorbike world.

The evening was presented by the British sports journalist Immy Barclay. She is a hugely popular television presenter in the UK and this was her first time working with Yamaha Motor Europe.

Watch the highlights of the Global Press Première at

Connexia chooses Paprika Software

17 october 2018 – Paprika Software, the ERP software that has been optimising job costing and accounting systems for creative agencies for over three decades, is working with Connexia, the Doxa Group’s data-driven creativity agency, and offering the benefit of its many years of experience supplying some of Italy’s finest communication and creative firms.

Connexia plans to go live with the system in January 2019, so the project to implement the Paprika ERP kicks off in October 2018 with the job costing and accounting divisions.

“We’re starting with a rather ambitious timetable compared with other similar projects that we’ve done for similarly sized agencies but we know we’re on solid ground.” said Elisa Bernasconi, the Paprika Software Country Manager. “In the past, Connexia has always demanded optimised models to manage its in-house organisation and guarantee a quality service for its clients. That’s why the way Connexia already manages its business fits in so well with the optimised and digitalised solutions proposed by Paprika.”

“If we look at the number of our employees and our revenue, you can see that our agency has grown considerably over the past four years, and this means that job costing and accounting is significantly more complicated,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. We’ve strengthened our position as a data-driven creativity agency and our growth rate is in double figures so we definitely need to upgrade the standard of our in-house organisation so that we can continue to guarantee real-time control and management of all the parameters associated with the business and our projects. We needed to choose a partner that we know we can count on so it was only natural to approach Paprika Software, as they have a proven track record of vertical expertise in job costing and accounting systems designed for creative agencies with similar needs to Connexia.”

“Digitalisation and integration are no longer just services offered to clients; they are formats built into the internal structure of creative communication agencies,” continued Elisa Bernasconi. “So it’s a real pleasure for us to be right at the heart of a period of progress which is increasingly more active here in Italy as well.”

Connexia welcomes new Client Director Davide Corti

Connexia, the Doxa Group’s data-driven creativity agency, is delighted to announce that Davide Corti has joined the team as a Client Director.

Davide Corti has an outstanding track record that includes an advanced degree from IULM followed by a Master’s in Communications from the SDA Bocconi, and brings his in-depth knowledge of the communication agency scene in Italy to Connexia. Having worked in Saatchi & Saatchi, then We Are Social, and had a brief experience in the early days at Ogilvy Interactive, Davide Corti has grown professionally by working his way up through the ranks in the world of client management.

BMW Italia, BMW Motorrad, MINI Italia, Enel Group, and VISA Europe are just some of the leading Italian and international brands with which Davide has worked over the years building integrated communication projects.

In his role as Client Director, Davide Corti is the latest (but won’t be the last…) to join the team at Connexia. Headed up by CEO Paolo D’Ammassa, the agency has 108 professionals, including creatives, strategists, analysts, account managers, producers and developers, and has experienced a rapid acceleration in business over the past year which had led to more complex projects and bigger budgets. So by inviting Davide Corti to join the team, Connexia can focus on further boosting its ranks and already well-consolidated expertise in managing and developing the agency’s client portfolio.