Start-up of a partnership between Connexia and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

13 May 2020 — Connexia, an independent marketing and communication agency, announces its new partnership with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart). The aim is to develop an evolving and longterm study programme which draws on the experience and input of experts working in the fields of creative communication and business strategy. These areas, along with its talent culture, have all played a key role in Connexia’s success.

The partnership kicks off with a course on Economics and Management in Advertising Communications which will feature two guest speakers, Riccardo  Catagnano, Connexia’s Creative Director and Head of Branded Content, and Matteo Sbarra, Connexia’s Business Strategy Director. Their contributions will provide a direct link between the professional communications and academic worlds, while giving students a chance to learn about and see the advertising industry from the perspective of two current Connexia professionals.

Connexia firmly believes in its talent culture and significantly invests in it.

The agency cultivates its young internal talent pool by drawing on the company’s clear, solid, well-established professionalism. It sees its professionals as making all the difference.

The partnership with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is part of programme that’s at one with the agency’s values. It also offers a chance to bring professional experience into the university classroom. For students, it provides an important, enriching and challenging opportunity. They get new inspiring input, learn about different work sectors and settings, connect with professionals, explore concrete and dynamic issues and they are inspired to think about their post-university prospects.

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Wake Up Innovators RESTART Connexia analyses the role of information, between emergency and “restarting”. Guest: Andrea Delogu.

11 May 2020 – The seventh episode of Wake Up Innovators | RESTART, the series of weekly meetings organised by Connexia and dedicated to “restarting” after the Covid-19 emergency.

As a free and wholly digital event, Wake Up Innovators | RESTART Special Edition offers an opportunity for concrete analysis and open discussion with the major players of Italian industry, to take stock of business and strategies for responding and restarting.

This week, the guest in Connexia’s “digital lounge” will be Andrea Delogu, Vice Director General of Information for the Mediaset Group. This event will offer an exclusive demonstration of how information has been called upon to adapt and evolve suddenly, in response to the emergency and at a historic moment, to the needs and perceptions of individuals and communities. The frantic succession of news and updates on the pandemic and the media bombardment during the emergency have triggered numerous reflections on the “social” role of the media, on the ethics of information, and on the dangers of fake news. And, last but not least, on the role that the media will play with regard to “restarting”. Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director at Connexia, will do the honours.

Free live streaming event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Thursday 14 May
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex

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Ontex chooses Connexia for its digital media activities worldwide.

8 May 2020 – The Healthcare division of Ontex, a leading group in the research, development and distribution of personal hygiene products, following international consultation with several players, has chosen to entrust Connexia with the management of all media activities to support the ecommerce operations of Serenity and iD on a European level, and for the development of brand awareness of certain brands in Australia and France.

Founded in Belgium, and with a presence in 110 countries and its own proprietary and retailer brands, Ontex is a leading international personal hygiene group, committed to designing and manufacturing high-quality and increasingly innovative products for baby care, adult care and feminine care. Serenity, as well as being one of Ontex’s top brands, is also the name of the Group’s Italian operation. Present in Italy for over 35 years, it has been a strategic partner of Italian healthcare for some time, with 260 employees, over 300 collaborators and a large manufacturing plant running on a continuous cycle in the town of Ortona, in the region of Abruzzo.

The Connexia Media Team have been tasked with coordinating the digital marketing activities on a global level: assessment of all existing media accounts, activation of new channels, performance analysis, target identification, defining the strategy for maximising conversions.

A series of specific interventions are also planned in relation to searches, to enhance the search experience on the main search engines, along with managing social media for the launch of targeted campaigns and for covering the consumer journey of specific audiences.

“The Connexia partnership represents another step forward in our digital transformation project.  – says Andrea Pacioni, Global Digital Marketing Manager at OntexOne of the cornerstones of the Ontex corporate strategy is to continue growing in the digital world, both in terms of its own ecommerce platforms and through third-party partnerships, in an industry that’s continuously expanding, that of healthcare.”

To support individual initiatives, specific push marketing campaigns will also be planned and constantly monitored through a reporting system, and dashboards tailored to suit the specific internal stakeholders.

The addition of Ontex to our portfolio, and with such a prestigious international assignment, is further a confirmation of our expertise in the area of Digital Media. – says Andrea Redaelli, Digital Media Managing Partner at ConnexiaAs a Premier Google Partner, we make our skills and expertise available to brands on a daily basis, in the running of their digital advertising campaigns. We are delighted to be able to support Ontex in the management of all digital marketing activities, assisting with their growth and product launches in multiple countries.”

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Teva engages Connexia as sole consultant for corporate and digital communication

6 May 2020 –  Teva Italia, a leading multi-national in the pharmaceutical sector and the world’s leading manufacturer of equivalent drugs, has chosen Connexia to manage its social presence and all corporate communication activities within Italy, after a consultation period involving multiple players.

As the protagonist of an important investment in our country, where it has a commercial branch, 5 production sites for active ingredients and 1 finished product site, Teva has been able to consolidate its position as a leading company in the equivalent drug sector by covering the entire production cycle of the drug in Italy and making it one of the key markets for its development.

From a shortlist of agencies, Connexia was identified as the best partner to support Teva in the management of all of the pharmaceutical company’s communication activities, ranging from corporate PR to crisis management support to social media channels, as well as providing consultation and coordination at institutional events and support in the construction of online, offline, and television editorials.

“We have observed with great interest the evolution that communication is experiencing in all sectors and, in particular, in the health sector.
As a leading company in the pharmaceutical sector, we must be able to deal with and manage in the best possible way all aspects of our communication, whether traditional or innovative, both towards patients and all our stakeholders who, in addition to depending on our products every day, must find in Teva a reference partner.
 – explains Hubert Puech d’Alissac, Managing Director of Teva Italia  –  For this reason we selected the agency that we felt was able to provide the most suitable services for our communication activities with great care, and our choice fell on Connexia”.

Teva Italia’s choice in engaging Connexia to support all of its communication activities is further proof of how much our vertical expertise is recognised and appreciated by the Pharma & Healthcare sector – comments Stefano Ardito, Chief Growth Officer at Connexia – As the only Italian company of GLOBALHealthPR® – the largest international network of independent agencies specialising in scientific and pharmaceutical communication – we are able to capitalise on the enrichment that we gain from sharing international best practices and we have been able to take a fresh look at industry communication, an approach characterised by digital innovation and capable of developing coherent strategies, regardless of the channel in question. There is no particular distinction between online and offline: ideas, creativity and content relevant to various targets, together with planning and targeted management of digital media advertising are the order of the day.

We are delighted to be able to guarantee our support to a company that is so active in both Italy and Europe, and which contributes to the creation of economic value, both in terms of employment as well as research & development. To strengthen Teva’s strategic positioning, we have decided to create a team with expertise across the board, which will help the company to communicate in an effective and relevant way with patients, associations, stakeholders, and the scientific community”.

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Wake Up Innovators RESTART In Connexia’s virtual lounge, we are talking about telecommunications. Focus on: “restarting”. Guest: Alberto Calcagno.

04 May 2020 – Wake Up Innovators | RESTART, the cycle of weekly meetings organised by Connexia and dedicated to “restarting” after the Covid-19 emergency, continues.

As a free and fully digital event, Wake Up Innovators | RESTART Special Edition offers an opportunity for concrete analysis and open debate with the major players of Italian industry, to bring together business and strategies for reacting and restarting.

Alberto Calcagno, Managing Director of Fastweb, will be the guest of Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director at Connexia.

At a time of delicate and decisive transition, the talk offers privileged insight into one of the major Italian operators within the telecommunications industry: a detailed analysis of the strategic role of the sector during phase 1 in reacting to the pandemic, and looking at the challenges that will be faced over the coming months.

Free live streaming event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Thursday 7 May
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex

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Connexia presents Communication Compass to map worldwide communication at the time of Covid-19

4 May 2020 – Connexia launches its Communication Compass dashboard: the independent agency has affirmed its concrete engagement during the pandemic by launching an international map of all initiatives and communications created in response to Covid-19 to monitor solidarity between companies during the crisis.

The second module of the data application is an “organised depository”, a collection of the many campaigns, both Italian and foreign, that have launched by brands in response to Covid-19.

Arranged by brand, industry and function/category (Help & Educate, Empower & Entertain, Inspire & Celebrate), the campaigns document brand stories and the communication choices made by brands during the emergency.

Help & Educate: the brand as a support for the safety of individuals and the community.

Empower & Entertain: the brand as an enabler of the new normal, to support people in their new routines.

Inspire & Celebrate: the brand as a mouthpiece for shared values and inspiration for individuals.

The story of the extraordinariness of the current period, as read and experienced through the communication choices made by brands: this tool has been designed to support the entire communication sector – brands, agencies, professionals, creatives, marketers – in creating a permanent and constantly updated space for observing the reactions and choices of brands in confronting the Covid-19 emergency.

Offering a kind of “dynamic photograph” of communication at the time of Covid-19, created by Connexia Innovation team under the guidance of Chief Innovation Officer Italo Marconi and in collaboration with Market Intelligence Director Stefano Corposanto, Communication Compass has been enriched with a new data app with the ambition of becoming a useful and practical guide for all marketers who want to deepen their communication in response to the crisis.

A project conceived and developed in continuity with the agency’s choice of commitment and concrete “social” restitution.

Connexia has reacted and is still reacting to the emergency by doing what it does best: building open dashboards and making them available to communities and operators free of charge. But also by sharing knowledge and expertise in its weekly webinars and carrying out free communication campaigns to support the activities of a number of non-profit organisations that have been particularly active during the emergency. And, finally, by being among the very first companies in Italy to respond to the Minister for Innovation’s call for Digital Solidarity by offering licenses and training support for the use of the Webex platform for remote collaboration – free of charge and for all companies that request it.

As it is already the case for notifications regarding new donations, in this case too, notifications of new campaigns, both Italian and international, are very welcome!

Communication Compass

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“Sharing is Caring” Talking about digital reputation with Connexia

29th April 2020 –  The independent marketing and communication agency – Connexia presents the fifth meeting of Sharing is Caring, a series of free online webinars dedicated to sharing digital knowledge.

An opportunity for the professionals at Connexia to make their experiences and skills available, to take stock and reflect on the emergency, and look at “reopening” with a focus on digital transformation.

Listen, then act. Brand reputation is more important now than ever”: join the webinar on Tuesday 5th of May with Stefano Corposanto, Market Intelligence Director of Connexia, for an in-depth discussion of what this means and why it is crucial for all brands, now more than ever, to listen to their customers and understand their needs. Best practice and advice to direct a digital reputation, ready to restart.

Free event streaming live following registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Tuesday 5th of May
From 0900 — 10:00
@Cisco Webex

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Connexia is buddybank’s new creative partner

28 April 2020 — buddybank , Unicredit’s banking model designed exclusively for smartphone, has seen its own “buddy” in Connexia, the best strategic and creative partner to have by its side in all of the brand’s communication initiatives.

Under the creative direction of Riccardo Catagnano, with strategic planning and communications support for ATL and digital campaigns, Connexia will illustrate the young brand’s disruptive innovation spirit within the Group.

buddybank is the embodiment of innovative, unconventional and creative: the same qualities we found in Connexia and that we were seeking, to achieve, together, a further leap in communication terms” — declares Federico Napoli, Head of Marketing & Products at buddybankConnexia has managed to fully comprehend the spirit that guides all of our actions which we also want to get across to our potential clients: smart, early adopters, searching for a service that is unique, efficient and always active. We will continue working on proposals for new banking concepts, like buddybank: simply open the app and talk to your bank via chat, always open 24/7 to assist or for personalised services. An ever more appreciated service, particularly in these unprecedented times”.

Connexia will accompany buddybank in all communication campaigns in order to make its service even more appealing on the market.

“We’re excited to have undertaken this journey with buddybank team: this victory, in a race which has also seen historical advertising giants amongst the participants, confirms once again that the new agency model that Connexia represents is successful.” — affirms Stefano Ardito, Chief Growth Officer at ConnexiaCombining data, creativity, media and technology with passion to offer a complete consultation, putting the human element at its heart: this is the true identity of Connexia.

People remain the driving force of day-to-day work: they are our key value that distinguishes our agency from competitors, and we are proud that this approach has been adopted so eagerly. — continues Ardito —  Work began in February, with a time scale of two years: we have a future of campaigns, commissions and much more, through various touchpoints and different platforms, and we can’t wait to make our enthusiasm and professionalism available to buddybank and charter this journey together”.

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Wake Up Innovators RESTART For the series of meetings dedicated to the topic of “restarting” Connexia encounters coffee excellence. Guest: Massimiliano Pogliani.

27 April 2020 – The fifth meeting of the Wake Up Innovators | RESTART series, a cycle of meetings organised by Connexia and dedicated to “restarting”after Covid-19 emergency.

As a free and fully digital event, Wake Up Innovators | RESTART Special Edition offers an opportunity for a concrete analysis and open confrontation with the major players of Italian industry, to take stock of business and various strategies for responding and restarting.

Massimiliano Pogliani, Managing Director of illycaffè will be the guest of Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director at Connexia. This event will be a special occasion for exchange from the privileged perspective of food & beverage, which was an essential sector during phase 1 and will certainly be a driving force in the second phase, which the country is about to face. We will receive an overview on the measures adopted by the company – which is a world leader in the sustainable coffee sector in Italy as well as abroad – to deal with the current emergency, and against which the production chain will have to measure itself in order to support economic recovery.

Free live meeting subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Thusday 30 April
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex

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“Sharing is Caring” Connexia tells the story of Creativity. At the time of a pandemic.

23 April 2020 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia presents its fourth appointment with Sharing is Caring, a series of free online meetings dedicated to the sharing of digital knowledge.

For Connexia professionals, this is a chance to offer their experience and expertise and share how to deal with emergencies and restarting by focusing on digital transformation.

“ADVirus. Brand, Communication and Creativity at the time of a pandemic”: on Tuesday 28 April, we will hear from Riccardo Catagnano, Creative Director and Head of Branded Content at Connexia. An analysis of the best of creative communication during Covid-19 emergency: such as the storytelling choices made by brands during the pandemic, who has managed to stand out due to their relevance, how to build meaningful messages at a time of emergency that is affecting everyone, indiscriminately, spreading values, needs and priorities.

 Free live streaming event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Tuesday 28 April
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex

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Wake Up Innovators RESTART Connexia leads the conversation on “restarting”, corporate governance and M&A Guest: Claudia Parzani.

20 April 2020 – The second instalment of Wake Up Innovators | RESTART,  a series of organised by the independent marketing and communication agency Connexia dedicated to the topic of “restarting” after the Covid-19 crisis.

Wake Up Innovators | RESTART Special Edition is a completely digital free event created to foster in-depth analysis and open discussions with Italian business leaders, allowing the community to take stock of the situation and propose strategies to start again in the aftermath of Coronavirus.

The guest in the Connexia “virtual lounge” will be Claudia Parzani, Western Europe Managing Partner at Linklaters. A professional story studded with national and international recognition, at the forefront of support for diversity and gender equality, Claudia Parzani is the only Italian included in the Women Role Model 2019 published by HERoes and Yahoo Finance.

In her discussion with Zornitza Kratchmarova, Corporate Communication Director at Connexia, Claudia Parzani will share her own experience in corporate governance, equity capital market, and public M&A. And a glance towards the near future.

Free live meeting event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Thursday 23 April
9:00 – 10:00
@Cisco Webex

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“Sharing is Caring” Let’s talk about business strategies with Connexia.

17 April 2020 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia presents the third instalment in its Sharing is Caring programme, a series of free online meetings dedicated to sharing digital knowledge.

This is an occasion for Connexia professionals to share their own experience and expertise, and discuss how to face emergency situations and restarting, with a focus on digital transformation.

Tuesday 21 April will be the turn of Matteo Sbarra, Business Strategy Director at Connexia, with a webinar entitled “Strategy isn’t an option. Beyond the New Normal”. This event will be an occasion to analyse the current historic moment through the different lenses of marketing and communication: structural changes, new behaviour, areas of opportunity, and insight into the future of what many already call “a new era for brands and consumers”. It will once again reflect the extent to which positioning strategies and brand values are indispensable to business choices.

Free live streaming event subject to registration on the @Cisco Webex platform.

Tuesday 21 April
9.00 – 10.00
@Cisco Webex

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Cereal Docks chooses Connexia for strategic communication

16 April 2020 – The independent marketing and communication agency Connexia, following consultation with several players, was chosen by Cereal Docks, the Italian industrial group active in primary agri-food processing for the feed, food, pharma, cosmetic and technical sectors, for strategic communication and branding consultancy.

Having been in the market for 37 years, engaged in the production of ingredients derived from oilseeds and cereals intended for multiple applications, Cereal Docks has become the driver of considerable growth over the years, thanks also to investments in the development of the industrial structure, diversification of the offer and innovation. The company is also a corporate partner of the FoodTech Accelerator, an acceleration programme promoted by Deloitte and dedicated to innovative projects and start-ups in the food and retail sectors.

A team with transversal skills, made up of strategists and branding and communication experts, will support the Vicenza group during the three phases through which the project will be structured. The initial phase begins with analysis of the reference market and the way the brand is perceived, key to the understanding of the company and its business objectives, to the study of the stakeholders and their demands,  to the collection of all the information required for  definition of the strategy, which will guide the two following steps of Design and Execution. The Design phase will lead to definition of the strategic positioning outputs, the communication plan and all the elements required for the Execution phase to enable managed and conscious change in the new direction jointly with the company.

“We are involved in a new phase of evolution, looking towards diversification of the offer and development of new business areas.”  says Giovanni Fanin, Finance Manager and spokesperson for the entrepreneurial family at the head of the Cereal Docks Group,  “As a logical consequence, we felt the need to begin an in-depth reflection about our identity, its values and our core vocation, in discussion with various stakeholders both inside and outside the company. The aim is to update our communication methods, adapting them to new challenges in the present and future.”

Our teams stand out for their integrated approach and ability to get people with different professional backgrounds and skill sets to collaborate in an effective manner: innovation, creativity, data analysis, communication united together in a single blend, to find out how to really get to know the customer and their needs.” comments Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner Strategy & Creativity for Connexia “We are particularly pleased to be collaborating with Cereal Docks on this new project, an opportunity for us to be truly incisive in supporting the company on a fundamental evolutionary path towards its growth.”

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